Hi guys I'm a registered nurse.
In my 20's.
I have been a nurse for 3 years. Most of my experience is in oncology and not really by choice.
I originally wanted to work...
Hey guys,
I have 3 years experience in adult oncology. I worked in the NICU for 7 months, but had to quit due to some issues I was having in my life at the time.
I'm very eager to work...
Is it weird to call outpatient clinics to ask if they're hiring?
Hello, I'm an oncology nurse with 3 years experience. I'm tired of bedside and am thinking of doing something else in nursing....
Is it weird to call outpatient clinics to ask if they're hiring?
Hello, I'm an oncology nurse with 3 years experience. I'm tired of bedside and am thinking of doing something else in nursing....
I failed my ACLS class and need advice.
I have been a nurse 3 years. I precept new nurses on my oncology floor and many times I get assigned the sickest patients on the floor.
I worked in...
What nursing advice can you give me?
Hello all.
Quick back story, I have been a nurse since 2021. I started in adult oncology and work there now on Dayshift. Im in my 20's.
I always...
Feeling like a failure
Hello all
I have been an RN 2.5 years. I worked in adult oncology this entire time.
I left for the NICU and lasted there 7 months because I couldn't handle...
I have been a nurse 2.5 years. All adult experience.
About seven months ago, I transferred to a completely different job taking care of babies. Huge culture shock, different people, different...
Hello all. I've been a nurse 2.5 years.
I worked in adult oncology for two years.
I started there as a new grad. I became confident , learned so much, made friends, met my s/o, and grew as...
Am I going to regret my decision?
Hello all. I've been a nurse 2.5 years now.
I worked in adult oncology most of my 2 years and after my time there I was burned out and wanted to learn...
Leaving my night shift NICU job for my mental health but feeling guilty.
Hello all!
I have been a registered nurse for now 2.5 years.
I worked in oncology for 2 years. it was tough but...
Thank you guys for you all input I really appreciate it!! do you have any tips on surviving the next five months that I have to work night shift before I can transfer departments? I can't apply to...
How to use my time wisely while I work in a job I'm not happy with?
Hello all, I have been a nurse for two and a half years.
I was working in a completely different specialty on dayshift...
Hello all.
I have been a nurse 2 years. I started in adult oncology and learned a lot in my time that I worked there. I gave chemo, worked with surgical oncology patients, precepted new...