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About Wannabenurseneko

Wannabenurseneko has 1 years experience.

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  1. Wannabenurseneko

    Anyone not good at math but turned things around?

    I’m definitely doing what you said
  2. I think it was already broken a lot of us just didn’t notice it before
  3. Wannabenurseneko

    Is there a trade school for nurses?

    I’ve been feeling a bit stressed about the rising prices of my community college and now there’s a pandemic and thanks to this virus I can’t work on getting financial aid the places are closed ....
  4. Wannabenurseneko

    Not sure how to be CNA

    I had experience one on my CNA training and the best thing is to stay positive if they say anything negative like if they say “ I hate you” say “thank you “ it throws them off. That’s just...
  5. I cam bad at math trying to turn things around by studying for it before taking math. What did you do to turn things around in
  6. Wannabenurseneko

    I’m failing bio

    I brought another book online but it didn’t come in until 2 weeks before the test. Also the lab book with the teacher’s notes is only sold at our school I couldn’t find anything similar to it....
  7. Wannabenurseneko

    I’m failing bio

    I’m failing biology we’ve had our first 2 test even though I’ve been studying. Part of it is my fault and part of it isn’t. I just don’t know how to study for college biology and even though...
  8. Wannabenurseneko

    Can nurses help uninsured patients ?

    I'm not a nurse yet but I would like to volunteer or work at a low-cost health clinic . Because lately I've been seeing a lot of people with this problem and I would like to help in the future
  9. Wannabenurseneko

    Can nurses help uninsured patients ?

    Can nurse practitioners help uninsured patients as well
  10. Can nurses help uninsured patients find affordable healthcare
  11. Wannabenurseneko

    about davita ?

    I have to renew my cpr certification if I wanted to work there , I got mine when I was a teenager and expired so long ago
  12. Wannabenurseneko

    What Is the Difference between CMA/ PCT

    From what I've been told PCT are similar to CNA but they have additional education such as phlebotomy, and EKG along with their CNA certificate. I'm not sure if this is everywhere else but it is in...
  13. Wannabenurseneko

    about davita ?

    Wow I thought because she was a phlebotomist she would have an easy time in that class. I guess since divita is not flexible it's not for me I need something that would give me the space for
  14. Wannabenurseneko

    Academic adviser says I'm selling myself short by going into nursing.

    I got a B+ in my last class so maybe that's why it was not a 4.0 but my original gpa was 3.80 gpa the advisory before were telling me my gpa was fine but just raise it to a 4.0 . I'm not sure how...
  15. Wannabenurseneko

    Academic adviser says I'm selling myself short by going into nursing.

    Just to let you guys know I'm working on getting a scholarship so I can take more than one class next year and my goal for my gpa is a 4.0 I haven't gotten my grades back for this year but i'll let...