Tired all the time!!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Ok...my life is quite busy!!

I am a mom to an 18 month old and a wife to a man who doesn't seem to want to do more than he has to. I work all day and 2 nights a week I got to school, but when I get home, my daughter is still up and I take over from there. On the nights that I don't have school, I pick her up from my sisters and take care of her all night. By the time she goes to bed (which is usually around 8:30), I am so tired and I have no energy to do ANYTHING! I know I should be, but I just can't do it! And I yawn from about noon on...I just feel so.....blah!!

Does anyone have any tips on how to get my energy up? I know if I feel this when when I am in the Nursing classes, I'll never make it!! I do usually get enough sleep every night, but not sure it's sound, so maybe that is an issue. Just so tired of being so tired!!



Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Hi Lori and welcome. Have you thought about asking your husband to help more? Have you two discussed very openly that nursing school is a big committment both timewise and energy-wise and that it is a shared decision.

Hi Lori and welcome. Have you thought about asking your husband to help more? Have you two discussed very openly that nursing school is a big committment both timewise and energy-wise and that it is a shared decision.

Oh, yes!!! I have asked him numerous times and he may do some things one day, but that's about as far as it goes. I guess his time is more important than mine and I just can't seem to get across to him how important it is for me to focus on this and it's also important that I am getting the sleep necessary because when I don't, I am no good to anyone!!!

I had even thought about taking some pills that help you stay away, but I am not really a pill kind of girl and certainly don't want to rely on that to keep me awake!! Not a coffee drinker or anything.

Just hoping soon I'll feel more energetic!!! I suppose it doesn't help that it's allergy season and I think they are taking over my life right now! Maybe some Claritin D would be a good investment!

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

I think you answered your own question about why you're tired. Pills, caffeine, more sleep, etc., won't help....you're going to have to get your husband on board to help out more or find family members that can chip in.

Believe me, I know; I've been there....he's always quick to say that he'll do whatever needs to be done, and seems sincere, but putting pedal to the metal consistently is another thing. Chances are good it won't change when you start school, particularly if this is a habit you've seen for some time or at least since your daughter's been born. My kids are 19, 23, & 27 and I'm still doing the clean up and follow through for everything (for him AND them)...

You're going to either have to suck it up for the time it takes you to get through school and re-evaluate that situation later, or be sure that someone can help give you some "off" time to study, rest, or just catch up while you're in school. I wish you well!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Also, realizing that your daughter and school work are the most important things in your life right now. Sometimes realizing that not every part of your life is going to be perfect helps.

I'd say it's definitely time to have a heart to heart with dh. There's only so much you CAN do, physically. Does he want you to be able to go to school and become a nurse? Also - is there any way you can cut back on working while you're in school? I'm a SAHM (or was in my former life, now I'm a student!) and I have sort of a bare-minimum that I do - like one load of laundry a day is all I get done some days. My dh isn't accustomed to helping out either, and honestly he doesn't care if the house is a wreck, but he knows that I do, so if I tell him I'm feeling stressed about all the studying I need to do and that the house is a wreck, he will help out. I really think a supportive DH is crucial.

Best of luck!


Thanks everyone!! He does pick her up 2 days a week and watches her while I am actually IN school, but maybe the trick will be that I have to actually go to the school or library 1 or 2 nights a week to study if necessary and have him pick her up those nights too. I think when I'm actually at the house, he just doesn't realize that yes, there is studying time to account for as well.

Thanks everyone. I'll certainly let you know if it gets any better!!

Specializes in ICU, Med-Surg, Post-op, Same-Day Surgery.


I won't reiterate anything about your DH, since we all know what needs to happen! (BTW, mine does his own laundry and must fend for himself for all meals but dinner, and even that duty we share!! Yay for me!).

I was just going to suggest trying to take the best care possible of yourself. I know you have limited time, but you need to make sure you are eating healthy, supportive & nutritious food often throughout the day (fluctuating blood sugar can cause a dip in energy and tiredness). It sound's like you are getting enough sleep, but make sure it is quality sleep (not naps throughout the day or anything). Also, if you can fit in time each day for a little physical exercise you'd be amazed what it can do for your energy! Plus, this could be time to spend with your daughter (walking w/her). Also, maybe trying to plan study time during your daughters nap time??? I feel like these are small suggestions, sometimes the smallest things can make a big difference! I really hope that you can get a little help at home, but mostly I hope you can find your energy again! I went through a period where I was tired and lethargic all the time, and it was NOT fun!

Good luck and keep us posted!

Diet, exercise and vitamins!

I started a healthier routine on Monday and I can't even begin to explain how much more energy I have.

I feel so..........AWAKE!

Specializes in Peds, PICU, Home health, Dialysis.

I'm kind of in a similar situation -- however, it is my partner that doesn't get the point. He doesn't understand how stressful school is, and just does the minimal amount of housework.

My words of advice are to let the house be a wreck, and just pick one day a week to clean. I usually clean on sundays for 3 - 4 hours in the morning to get things picked up, laundry caught up, etc. And if I am feeling stressed about school and housework, I do a little whining and make my partner feel guilty, and he is pretty quick to get the hint and get up and do something.

You need to take care of yourself though, or nursing school will eat you alive. Perhaps going to the library a few nights a week and leaving the husband to everything would work. I also recommend eating a lot of fruit and vegetables throughout the day -- it really helps to wake me up. And find a few nights or mornings a week to take a jog or a brisk walk. You will start feeling more awake and energetic in no time!

Specializes in EMS, ortho/post-op.
Oh, yes!!! I have asked him numerous times and he may do some things one day, but that's about as far as it goes. I guess his time is more important than mine and I just can't seem to get across to him how important it is for me to focus on this and it's also important that I am getting the sleep necessary because when I don't, I am no good to anyone!!!

I had even thought about taking some pills that help you stay away, but I am not really a pill kind of girl and certainly don't want to rely on that to keep me awake!! Not a coffee drinker or anything.

Just hoping soon I'll feel more energetic!!! I suppose it doesn't help that it's allergy season and I think they are taking over my life right now! Maybe some Claritin D would be a good investment!

As for "pills", I would definitely stay away from those. Try taking a B complex vitamin to help boost your energy, but don't take those caffeine or ephedrine/ephedra type pills. Those are just bad for you!

I have the same problem - unsupportive husband and too much on my plate. I have 2 kids - ages 3 and 6 - and a full time job. Plus not one but TWO schools to deal with. I'm finishing nursing pre-reqs at one school and completing an EMT certificate at another. It's tough, but I have a 3.7 at one school and a 4.0 at the other. :specs: I admit that my house is a royal mess and sometimes I feel like I barely see my kids, but we try to make up for that on the days that I'm totally off from work and school.

If you want to talk, send me a pm. I don't check in here every day, but I try to stop by at least once a week.


I'll tell you what I would do. I would threaten to quit my job if he doesnt help more. Let him know you mean what you say and see how that hits with him. He is not being fair.

Good luck. One person just cannot do it all.

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