Prayers Needed


All of you that pray...please pray for my daughter. She is having a stat MRI & MRA done today at 1530 est.

They are looking for an aneursym. She is 38 yrs old. Thanks

Specializes in Med/Surg - Internal Medicine.

Prayers from Ohio!:redbeathe

I just said a prayer for both of you from New York God bless you

and from Maryland. God Bless.

Prayers from Michigan! :heartbeat:redbeathe:heartbeat

just sent one from nj. may she be okay soon. God bless!

Specializes in LTC, Acute care.

Hope it went well. Sending up prayers for her and you too.

Prayers coming your way...I wish your daughter and you the best

Specializes in MCH,NICU,NNsy,Educ,Village Nursing.

Prayed/praying....please let us know how things turn out. Hang in there!

Specializes in Family Medicine.

Prayer has been sent.

Sending a hug too: :hug:

Prayers sent from New England.

Specializes in ICU.

Sending you both prayers and good wishes from Staffordshire, UK.

Prayers sent from Toronto, Canada.

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