Plan B


I'm interested in hearing what everyone's Plan B is if they don't get into the nursing program right away. I have 3 daughters and a husband and can't afford to just sit and wait. I don't know anyone who can afford to do that.

I am confident that I will get in, but believe you should always have a backup plan.

I am in the same boat as you. I also have 3 kids and I have all the pre reqs taken. I will probably take courses that will benefit me in the future, when I decide to continue on with my education. I have had a difficult time deciding between teaching and nursing. There are not any teaching jobs in our area. I really want to work with children whether it be teaching or nursing. I love the medical field and have worked as a nurses aide so I know I would enjoy being a nurse. If I don't make it this year, then I figure it wasn't the right time. My youngest is only 2 1/2 so waiting a year might be better. I just lack patience when it comes to waiting. I just pray every day that God will lead me in the right direction. Choices, choices, choices :confused:

Specializes in Operating Room.

I'm working on my classes toward my BSN while I wait.

After Jan 17th, if I haven't been called in, I'll go get a job then. (If my dh hasn't hounded me yet!) LOL

I'm interested in hearing what everyone's Plan B is if they don't get into the nursing program right away. I have 3 daughters and a husband and can't afford to just sit and wait. I don't know anyone who can afford to do that.

I am confident that I will get in, but believe you should always have a backup plan.

Back to Elementary School teaching....I love kids!

I have four kids, if I don't get in I will continue classes towards a BSN. Also considering volunteering in the local hospital just to get comfortable in that setting.

I'm going to go for my EMT cert. (either spring or summer) so I can work while I'm waiting for the nursing program to start. It will also look good on my resume, and allow me to work in the field while I'm going through nursing school. I'm also going to keep taking classes toward my BSN.

BSN here too! and if I still dont get in Ive thought about pharmacutical sales... excuse my mispelling

Specializes in LTC.

If I can't get in, I'll keep applying, but I'll also take the chemistry I need to get into the Medical Technology program, or just do a two year Lab Tech program.

Specializes in Operating Room.
If I can't get in, I'll keep applying

I'll definitely keep applying! :)

If I can, working or not, during the Spring '06, I'm planning on taking at least two of the 4 RN-BSN classes I have left. Then WHEN I get accepted for Fall '06, I'll have only 2 classes left! If I feel like it during the summer, I can take the other two, or wait until after I graduate with my ADN.

I'd rather have them all complete, work for a lil' while to get used to it all, then apply for the RN-BSN program. (If I work a year, my employment/hospital scholarship will be paid off, then I can get tuition reimbursement to pay for the actual upper level nursing courses for my BSN!!) :nurse: :nurse: :nurse: :nurse:

Yes, plan B's are sometimes good too! :balloons:

Specializes in NICU/L&D, Hospice.

My Plan B right now will just consist of crying hysterically!!:bluecry1:

I would probably just work more until the next go'round. No chance of changing my career!!

They have to accept me though! I have plans to move right after graduation. I do not want to postpone it. My family is too excited to have to put it off for much longer.

Good luck to everyone waiting, and to those who just got accepted! Some of you are making such sacrifices to accomplish your degrees and my hats off to you!



I am applying this April and if I don't get in I will have to wait. I will keep applying and eventually they will see my name enough they will have to let me in!! lol I have always wanted to be a nurse. I will keep going untill I have gotten my degree. Eventually I will get my BSN.

I am in the same position as Woogy though. As soon as I pass the NCLEX my family wants to move back to Colorado. My husband graduates from his music education degree in 2006 and I wont graduate till 2007, that is IF I get into the program right away. If I have to wait we will have to wait untill 2008. We are all so home sick for Colorado I hate making them all wait on me. But the nursing schools in Colorado are so much harder to get into then the nursing schools out here in NC. So here we wait till next year to see if I can get into the program.

If I don't get into a nursing program I will work as a CNA. Hopefully at a doctors office so I can get some real experence before I start the program.

Hugs :icon_hug:


Specializes in NICU/L&D, Hospice.

Shannon, where in Colorado? I am from Colo. Springs. I don't miss the crazy winters, but I miss the "hometown" feel.

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