Physician abuse of nurses

Nurses General Nursing


If you have ever been verbally or physically abused by a physician please email me. I was recently physically and verbally attacked by a physician. [email protected].


Sorry to hear about your grandson. Please keep us updated about his condition. (((((Hugs)))) to you! I'm sure its hard to put a lot of energy into this incident with the doctor when you have much more important issues to deal with. For a physician who is supposed to understand these types of issues to behave so badly is incomprehensible! I hope they throw the book at him!

I will pray for you.


Specializes in Critical Care.

Oops double post.


Originally posted by dlynn

I did not press charged for assault and battery.

If that is not a typo and you did not press charges what support do you expect from your employer? You have a responsibility to press charges. Failure to do do negates anthing anyone else does.

Perhaps, it is a typo and you actually did press charges.

I feel for you and hope you did the latter. (((((Hug)))))

Originally posted by dlynn

There is a restraining order against the physician.......however, the corporation solved that problem by moving me to one of their other facilities...............unbelievable.

They moved you? I hope they gave you a choice as to whether you or the MD be moved?

If not, I think this may be unlawful. Since you were the inocent party I think you should have been given the option to stay.

It is the MD who must by court order stay away from you not the other way around. By rights the MD should have moved. (IMHO)

I know this must sound unsympathetic; I am sympathetic. I just worry that you in your naivity may be in a situation where you are being taken advantage of. I am not being harsh on you. Although laws (and life) are sometimes harsh on the responsibility it places on victims.

Find yourself an attorney. You sound like you need some good legal advice.:kiss

Typo...............I DID Press charges.

Sorry that you had to experience this and I will keep your daughter and grandson in my prayers. need to get a Lawyer. A decent Lawyer will not charge you unless you win the case. This Physician needs to be removed from practicing medicine. If he/she (?) abuses YOU physically, more than likely he.she is abusing someone else in her/his life. You DO NOT need to take this, and your employer should also be charged with something for allowing this physician to continue to practice.

I have never been physically abused by a physician, but definitely verbally abused.

In one case the physcian was called before the board of medicine and his privileges were taken away briefly. WHen he returned he was on probation. There were also charges of inappropriate prescription writing, so I'm not sure what he would have gotten if it was for the verbal abuse only. This was after more than 100 nurses filed complaints.

Talk to your co-workers and try to build support. More than likely there are others who have had similar problems with this physcian. There is strength in numbers.

Keep us posted!

Sheesh! Sounds like it's time to get a NEW job! One where your safety is not in jeopady. I would run to the nearest want adds. If there is ANY reason to stay in this job, it had better be a matter of life or death! Re-evaluate what's important to you. A stinkin' job or the potential for serious injury from an assualt! A job where your employer has free reign to assault you is asking for bad juju! As Eleanor Roosevelt once said (and I paraphrase), "People will use you for a dormat only if you allow them." Stick with pressing those charges and get the heck out of there!!!!

I am sorry to hear this sue the hospital and this physician I am sure this jerk has many repimands and the hospital did nothing to rectify the situation.

go see an attorney. you can probably sue the hospital and the md. looks like you won the lottery.

The sad part is, I loved my job and my patients, but I cannot let this assault be covered up..........I am sure God has other plans for me..........I just don't know what they are right now.

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