Physician abuse of nurses

Nurses General Nursing


If you have ever been verbally or physically abused by a physician please email me. I was recently physically and verbally attacked by a physician. [email protected].

I'm sorry to hear what has happened to you. It's such a shame when people lack common respect for others. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

I, too will be praying for your daughter and grandchild.

When I was a young nurse... not too many years out of school... about 30 years ago, a doctor screamed at me and threw a chart at me. Hit me in the chest... I picked it up and shoved it back across the desk at him and said, "I'm not deaf, and you can leave the chart in the "orders" rack." I did lose that job, since he was also the medical director of the hospital.

I had left a job prior to that one that a plastic surgeon had thrown a pair of gloves in a nurse's face because the ER did not carry the kind of suture he wanted. He would have to wait until the evening supervisor could go to the OR and get it. He got impatient waiting. He took off the gloves he used to examine the patient, and slammed out of the exam room, throwing the gloves in her face on the way out. She reported the incident to the supervisor, who called the surgeon to reprimand him. The surgeon answered her, "If that one's a xxx, get another one. Nurses are a dime a dozen!" He ended up losing priviledges at that hospital!

So sorry you were treated this way..and prayers for you and your family(((hugzzz)))

p.s.-maybe I'm getting old and grumpy,but, I am getting to where I just don't like people in general these days...bleh

I was once physically pushed out of the way by an MD at the ED nurses' station so he could get a chair...and all the chairs were empty (and all just alike)!!

I'm certainly no expert in the legal field but I wonder if you could get a restraining order based on concern for your safety, blah, blah, blah. It would certainly make it difficult for the hospital to retain the doc's privileges and when he/she can't be within "x" amount of distance from you. Just a thought...

Well she needs some anger management classes. Maybe they offer them in prison (where you go when you committ assault and battery).

Specializes in Critical Care.

Boy you sure have alot going on right now. I hope everything works out alright for you and your family.



I hope your local District Attorney's office has contacted you for a statement- A&B charges should be pressed and the physician prosecuted (although it may not come to much). At least, however, it will show that her behaviour will not be tolerated. Even if you did not press charges immediately, you can contact your local DA and request to speak with a prosecutor and explain the situation and where the physician was held overnight and ask them to review the case. I would also recommend contacting the state board of medicine and reporting this incident. MMB

Originally posted by purplemania

Well she needs some anger management classes. Maybe they offer them in prison (where you go when you committ assault and battery).

that's exactly what i was thinking! I do hope you persue this when you are able to.

My hugs and prayers to your family during this very trying time.

There is a restraining order against the physician.......however, the corporation solved that problem by moving me to one of their other facilities...............unbelievable.

Hmm ... I smell a lawsuit! Get an attorney my friend.

I work in a trauma center, and things get pretty heated quite often. Nurses and DRs yell at each other ... tempers flare ... but no one takes it personal. When its over we all meet for dinner. Geez ... we really are disfunctional.

Specializes in Critical Care.
dlynn There is a restraining order against the physician.......however, the corporation solved that problem by moving me to one of their other facilities...............unbelievable.

This is discrimination. Call a lawyer. Call the news. Call the unemployment office, maybe you'd be eligle for sometime of unemployment.


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