PHSC 2015 Nursing Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hey everyone!

I found one topic on this, but it wasn't very active, so I hope this one becomes a little more successful. My name is Jennifer, and I am applying for the January 2015 Nursing Program at PHSC. My home campus is Porter at Wiregrass Ranch. Are there any other 2015 hopefuls? I'd like to get to know you all! I am taking my TEAS next Tuesday and am so nervous. This will be my first time taking the TEAS. Have any of you taken it? How was it?

Any tips? I have finished all me pre-reqs and finished with a 3.6. Not too bad, wish I would have got higher! Hope I get in! Good luck to all you ladies!


Specializes in LPN.
You'll have to apply to each program risky

I mean can I just put the two applications in the same packet. They have all my transcripts in the system already and I was wondering if I needed to make two copies of my teas scores and two copies of drivers license

No risky, it's two different applications. You must pay two application fees and have two copies of everything. I know when I went to west campus they made a copy of my drivers license and teas scores for me ( with copy machine ) because I needed it also for LPN program.

Does anyone know what they would like to specialize in? I want to be in the ER. Once I get my experience in I plan on doing the traveling nurse for a while.

I was thinking about in the operating room

Labor & delivery

I was thinking OR also. Travel nurses usually should have a couple years of experience. That's at least what a couple of my rn friends have said. I already have a B.A. in another field so I would like to go to USF's RN to MSN program. In order to do that you have to have two years experience to apply. My ulimate goal is to be a NP just not sure what I want to specialize in yet. I really hope we find out the middle of October! I have been waiting a long time to embark on this journey! Praying we all get in!

Hey guys,

Application packets are due today!!! Good look to everyone. I hear that we should know if we got in or not mid to late October. EEK. I probably won't get in though D: Do we have to apply for different campuses?

I'm back, after another long break. I retook my TEAS on the 2nd of this month and didn't get much higher than I previously did. I got a 69 D: Very disappointed. If I don't get in this spring, i'l def be applying for fall with a MUCH better TEAS score, lol.

Oh! And I am also a resident :D

Im not sure where i want to go yet. Im leaning more toward a rehabilitation type area.. I want to spend two years in the ER though mainly for fast skills and multi tasking. I don't want to stay in ER though cause ive heard many nurses get burnt out spending to many years in the ER. I plan to start my bachelor degree asap after ADN though. Later down the line id like to be a professor, my passion is primarily teaching but lack of salary in teaching has guided me to this path.

I have an 3.69 gpa with an 74% teas and I am a resident so I believe that would put me at 83.5% . I applied for fall with the same gpa and an 68.7% which would put me at 80.8% and I got an alternate letter.. No seats became available so I am applying for spring now with my higher teas score.

Chris912- 86.35 Porter campus

Daiquirin- 84.35% West campus


Heather.rodgers88- 82.875% Porter campus

Jemcvay- 82.825% West campus RN/LPN

smiash- 82.15% West campus

Mikes’ goals- 81.76% West campus RN/LPN

SLClark- 81.4125% West campus RN/LPN

Harley25-80.95% Porter campus

Nlang1989- 80.1% West campus RN

WithValor- 80% Porter campus

Risky- 79.0875% Campus N/A

Meltominoire- 74.4125% RN/LPN

Sharona918- 73.35% West campus

-----Bridge Program----

mapac- 76.775% Porter campus

Applying is over I'm off for a little, new score list and PHSC, what campus?

Porter Campus I am a Wesley Chapel resident

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