Phone interview


Ok so I have a phone interview with St. Alexius Medical Center in Bismark on the 15th at 12 noon for med surg. Can anyone give me any tips/pointers? Also if they set you up for a interview don't they normally want to hire you. Assuming I don't screw up the interview.

Specializes in NICU.

If you are using your cell phone, make sure it is fully charged and you are in a good cell coverage area. Type up a "tell me about yourself" work/ school history with highlights of your accomplishments (GPA, Dean's List, Senior Capstone). That will be the first question they ask.

Know about the hospital and the unit you are applying for.

Phone interviews show an interest in you. If you get an in-person interview, it shows more interest. They have other candidates, so it not necessarily an indication that they are going to hire you.

thank you so much. this is what i was looking for. :)

i will make sure to do all of these.

Specializes in retired LTC.

Be prepared for the possibility of a little bit early time for them to call.

Make sure you've hit the bathroom before the interview. Be in a quiet room where there won't be distractions or interruptions during your interview.

Have copies of all your documents right there readily available in front of you - for quick easy reference if asked.

Have a glass of water and some tissues handy just in case of nerves.

And don't chew gum!

Good luck! :yes:

Wow. Ok good points for sure. As next Thursday gets closer im getting nervous. Really hope I get the job

Even though the interviewer won't see you, try to smile often and emphasize that you are really excited/interested in the position by the way you speak. That really helped me nail my phone interview. Good luck!

I had a few phone interviews and landed both jobs; I went online and looked up frequently asked interview questions and wrote out my answers. I reviewed my answers had those papers laid in front of me and when the questions were asked I had all the answers. I was so familiar with my answers that it helped me to sound super confident and it helped me to feel that way as well.

I also, had a list of questions about the hospital and unit ready so I could get a full picture of what id be getting into. Again, having all this prepared it made me feel and sound like I knew my stuff and that I was clearly competent for the job.

You are capable and you should definitely express that to them, in fact, when they asked what my strengths were, I told them I am capable and smart enough to do the job.

Landed both

Specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

speak from the heart... You are interviewing for my floor btw...

speak from the heart... You are interviewing for my floor btw...

Thank you so much for all the advice everyone. I'm researching the hospital as well as the floor through Google as we speak. DatMurse it's the same floor you work on? That's awesome and such a small world.:)

Specializes in Observation, Telemetry, Stroke.

Since you have a phone interview, I am assuming you live far away!

I, too, had a whole list pulled up in front of me full of answers to common interview questions. I also had a bunch of questions ready to ask them sitting in front of me too.

Since I was far away, one of the first questions interviewers liked to ask me was, "Why North Dakota?"

After talking to a few interviewers, I've been told that the entire state of North Dakota are short-staffed. They "cannot seem to find enough people with the right skill-sets."

Oh yes, and do sound happy and excited! Make sure to show them you're really interested and be sure to know stuff about their facility!

There's gonna be some challenging questions, but just be truthful.

Good luck!

Yeah, I got "Why ND?" too. I told them it's a growing economy and my home state is financially hurting, which was true and they liked it.

Specializes in Observation, Telemetry, Stroke.

"Why ND?"

I'm glad they liked your answer, burtis. I wonder if they ever believed mine, "It's my dream to live in the Midwest." Which is kinda true, since I have been fantasizing about that quite often ever since I graduated college.

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