how to be perfect in a world expecting you to be perfect..

Nurses General Nursing


this is just a vent.. i can't talk much about the incident because of HIPPA... but i was so busy today there was one thing that happened that could of been a very costly mistake .. the outcome was good ( Thank God) .. i am having a hard time trying to be on 100% all the time at work.. i get tired fatigued , hungry and have to pee sometimes.. but am so busy i can't think of myself.. i think i'm human.. but at work i know i have to be 100% on every pt and i just can't do it sometimes.. i have other pt's and many things to do in a 12 hour shift as you all know and 6 patients... .. ive been a nurse for 25 years and maybe feeling my age i'm in my middle 40's.. and work in a busy hospital and have been over 5 yearsnow at this hospital.. on a med/surg floor.. i own all mistakes even when they are made by transport and i didn't catch it right away.. i feel guilt , shame and feel like a horrible nurse if i'm not 100% on all the time and a mistake is made..... maybe i'm just getting old?? i sure feel it these days... does anyone think nursing ages you quickly? thank you all for listening...

I too have a lot of trouble with the 12 hour shifts. About hour ten I just start melting down, can't focus, and start slurring my words due to sheer fatigue. Everything goes to heck the minute you hit forty.

Specializes in M/S, MICU, CVICU, SICU, ER, Trauma, NICU.

I think you need help with creation of boundaries. You do not have a healthful outlook and although I can see your point about have to be the "doer of everything" there is no possible way in this universe that is doable.

I wish you the best of luck and hope that you look into it.

it is not the world demanding perfection, it has been inculcated into YOUR view of yourself. You probably need some counseling to get past least would likely Jo said, you need help with boundry setting.

Oh, honey, you are a tired perfectionist. Cut yourself a break and get some help with mom. And see your doctor - there could be something physiological underlying it all. As nurses, we often forget to care for ourselves.

Specializes in ER/Ortho.

I am a new nurse, but already feel what your talking about (The need to be perfect). Often times it goes beyond the need to be perfect to the need to be super human, or beyond human (be in two places at once, be 100% without sleep or eating all day, or worse yet while being very sick). Sometimes I feel like screaming.."I am a human being" !!!!!!

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

yes i like the idea of boundry setting... i will look into that.. well at our hospital they have been firing RN's like crazy (25 last week alone from all units) and i think many of us are afraid to make a mistake or we will be nurse told me she made a mistake and cried all during report because she thought she was next to be fired... i think between my stress at home and stress at work .. i think i'm getting a new job !! thank you all for your wonderful comments .. i just love you all.. and i'm making a dr appt.. you are all awesome !!

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