Pearson vue trick

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello All,

i promised to to drop a note when I finally passed my nclex RN. The Pearson vue trick definitely isn't 100% accurate. I checked it 3 times on several occasions and it took me to the credit card page. I was miserable cos I thought I failed but I received my license 5 days after I took my board.

Whoever is out there discouraged, u can also make it. I thank God I don't have to ever take it again

Do you really have to wait 24 hrs after taking the test?

Yes, for one excellent reason: your exam is scored TWICE within the 24-hour period following conclusion of the test. The first scoring is immediately upon closing, which is why your test ends where it does. The second (and only one that matters) will take place at some point during the next 24 hours. It's a quality assurance measure and it DOES happen that an initial result of 'pass' will ultimately be a 'fail', and vice versa.

Let's say, for example, the second scoring takes place at hour 20, and results forwarded to the BoN result in a license being posted the very next day, less than 24 hours even from the time the test was completed! THOSE people are convinced that the wait period is nonsense, because they don't understand that they lucked out, nothing more, nothing less. Your BoN receives your results after both scores are finalized, whether it's 15 hours or 24. Then it's up to the BoN to determine how fast (and if) you get a license.

Anyone saying that they did the PVT prior to 24 hours' time (such as a half hour, two hours, five, 15, etc) is ONLY guessing on what the FIRST scoring result is. They cannot possibly know if their exam was scored TWICE at the time they checked.

MOST of the time, it's true that the results are the same. But it happens often enough that they aren't to warrant the BIG BRIGHT CAUTION flag that several of us throw out there.

What's the harm in checking too soon? Well, aside from the potential crushing blow of believing you failed (and you didn't), you'd find yourself with a charge that is non-refundable. Many people have reported using 'tweaked' credit card information and "it worked just fine". Ok....and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, a person wil have passed, but the system recognizes a problem with the card because it 'tested' it for a charge and it didn't go through. So the person gets a message saying to check with their bank, card declined, etc. And, naturally, they assume they failed, which results in days of hysteria and crying only to come back on here saying "PVT didn't work!! I passed!!"

And then, too, are the cases of believing they passed because the PVT wouldn't accept their payment submission, but.....that was only the first scoring, and on the second....bang, FAIL. And this is AFTER they have told everyone within texting range that they passed. And let's not forget those who(because they had had a card declined) put in actual card information, hit submit, get charged, freak out appropriately because now they are sure they failed. But they didn't, they just did it too soon!

In the worst case scenarios, people have had to turn down jobs because they DIDN'T pass the NCLEX, and only found out for sure AFTER they had accepted employment. Talk about embarrassing and painful.

And that is why you need to wait 24 hours :)

If you are afraid to be charged just change one number in your card number. If you passed it wont try to charge you but will give you the good pop up.

Alas, this is not true. People have entered an invalid card number, only to find that PV did a 'test' charge, but it could not complete it because of the invalid entry. Same with an incorrect expiration date. When someone then gets a message "declined" or"contact your bank", etc, they believe they have failed. And while they MIGHT have failed, they might also have passed, but because they didn't provide valid information, they can't know. They will only get "the good pop up" IF PV doesn't attempt a charge....which sometimes it does.

Mine worked...I can't speak for the experiences of everyone. I suppose nothing is 100 percent until the licence number shows up.

Mine worked...I can't speak for the experiences of everyone. I suppose nothing is 100 percent until the licence number shows up.

That is VERY true! :)

I am happy to report mine worked. I checked it 24 hrs after. My license number appeared on the BON website a few hours later. I am officially an RN :-)

I am happy to report mine worked. I checked it 24 hrs after. My license number appeared on the BON website a few hours later. I am officially an RN :-)

Congrats, and welcome to the fold :)

Congrats, and welcome to the fold :)

Thank you!😁

My PVT worked I checked it many many times, the first time being about an hour after I left the facility. I used an inactive credit card or I would change the date of my expiration date or a card with insufficient funds. Once I used my actual credit card numbers to see if it would make a difference and it did not. Got the good pop up every time. Just remember, you do have to fill out cc information and hit submit.

Congrats!!! I did my Nclex on Wednesday, did the pv trick today and it says I can't register for this exam at this time because I've already registered... I pray that the trick works and that I've really passed...#palpitations...

Specializes in Orthopaedics.

So I took my NCLEX RN today, had the 75 question shut off..... and obviously I was thinking, "NO I have to answer more to show you I really know things!" I still don't feel like it really happened. And of course my husband asked if I did the PVT yet, I had to explain to him it won't be official till 24 hours. Just to please him I tried it with a gift card, and got the "good pop up" I cannot register at this time, yadda yadda. I won't believe it until tomorrow. And tomorrow I won't believe it till I see the quick results lol.....

I took NCLEX 4/24/15 early in the morning. I was at the testing site for around 2 hours. I went home checked the Pearson vue website and it stated results unavailable. So I waited 48 hours did the Pearson vue trick, It took me to the credit card page. I entered my cc information, hit submit and was registered for another exam. I felt horrible because I must have failed if I was able to register again. I then decided to get the quick results just so it would confirm that I failed my test, but when I payed the fee it said PASS. I was shocked, confused, and somewhat happy but I thought to myself this may be a mistake. Forward 2 days I checked my state BON and there it was my name and license number. So do I think the pvt trick is 100% accurate? HELLLLLL NOOOOOO

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