PBSC Spring 2011 hopeful......

U.S.A. Florida


Applied to PBSC RN Program for Spring 2011. Playing the waiting game. I decided to apply to the Belle Glade Campus.....

WOW, that is pretty high. I was feeling ok about my chances, until your last post FoodieJ. I have a 28.97 and I am applying to the part time Lake Worth program. I was just anxious before, but now I am nervous....the waiting is no fun at all.

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.

Im so sorry I didnt mean to make you MORE nervous

I got freaked when they told us that in the info session, which is why I applied to belle glade at the last minute instead.

I will definitely let everyone here know when (or if) I hear back... I sent an email Monday night but still haven't heard back. Who knows how many emails are flooding their inboxes right now, so I'm not sure I'll even hear back from them at all >.

Thanks RHaufler!

FoodieJ: don't sweat it. I am just giving you a hard time. They'll answer when they do and I'll get in or I won't...hopefully it won't be the latter, but I am not any more worried now than I was before your post...Good luck to you!

hey everyone,

I applied for the fulltime program at Lake Worth. I went in today to speak to someone in the limited access program because something odd popped up on my degree audit. Anyway, she told me that she sends out denial letters first. She suggested that she would be sending them out sometime late this week or early next week. Acceptance letters will go out sometime around the 20th? I hope this helps some of you. I have 27.9 points and am soo nervous! I've been working towards my dream of becoming a nurse for some time now so that just adds to the pressure. good luck to everyone!

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.

AD I think you are in with your 28.97!!

good luck to everyone I cant wait till we start finding out one way or another!

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.
I am just so anxious, I am hoping they don't make us wait until the end of the month to hear back! I am trying to figure out whether I'm going to spend the spring here in nursing school or at FAU finishing up the last few credits of my bachelors, and I can't make any scheduling plans until I find out!! Ahhhhhh!!!! I just want to scream lol :crying2:


I feel your pain, I am still living in NYC right now, waiting to hear so I can start making my moving plans back to South Florida...

cant start looking at houses or jobs till i hear one way or the other, so nervracking

hey everyone,

I applied for the fulltime program at Lake Worth. I went in today to speak to someone in the limited access program because something odd popped up on my degree audit. Anyway, she told me that she sends out denial letters first. She suggested that she would be sending them out sometime late this week or early next week. Acceptance letters will go out sometime around the 20th? I hope this helps some of you. I have 27.9 points and am soo nervous! I've been working towards my dream of becoming a nurse for some time now so that just adds to the pressure. good luck to everyone!

I guess I can wait until next week to hear their decision if hearing back earlier means I'm denied! lol! :D I hope we all make it!

Yeah, definitely let us know if they give you a target date. I figure though that they said approximately two weeks, and this Friday makes two weeks. They probably get less applications for the Spring than they do for the Fall, so if they answered around the 21st for the Fall, then maybe by Friday or early next week?

I am getting really anxious about it...but I guess my EXTREMELY HARD Pharmacology class will take my mind off of it. I am SOOOOOOOOO glad that I am taking now. It would be rough taking it 1st semester along with the lecture, lab and clinicals...as well as working full time!

Are you taking the 2140 or 1141 pharmacology class? I wasn't able to get in to one this semester because of some issues with my transcripts, so I'm stuck taking it along with semester 1 if I get in for the spring. I'm going to be taking 2140 because that's the one that transfers to the BSN program.. if you're in that one and have any tips, or recommendations on which teachers to take or avoid I would love your input :p

Are you taking the 2140 or 1141 pharmacology class? I wasn't able to get in to one this semester because of some issues with my transcripts, so I'm stuck taking it along with semester 1 if I get in for the spring. I'm going to be taking 2140 because that's the one that transfers to the BSN program.. if you're in that one and have any tips, or recommendations on which teachers to take or avoid I would love your input :p

I am in 1141. I couldn't get into the 2140 because it was full by the time I got around to signing up for it. But I figured if I at least took the 1141, I could move on without worrying about it semester 1. And if I need the 2140 for the BSN, I will cross that bridge when I get to it. From what I understand from my teacher, the 2140 is exactly the same as the 1141 I am taking...same book, same material, etc...the only difference is that 2140 goes deeper into the physiologic aspects of the drugs where in 1141 we concentrate more on what the drug does or does not do, contraindications, etc. But don't go very deep into why it does what it does. Hope that makes sense? I would HIGHLY recommend my teacher (but I don't think I can post her name here so if you send me a private message I will answer it). She is hard, but I don't think it's her, it's just hard material. But she REALLY knows her stuff and is pretty thorough at her explanations. She teaches both 1141 and 2140. I have also been creating digital flash cards in iFlash for the iphone/ipod touch. So if you have one, I will be more than happy to share those with you at the end of the semester so you can easily upload them to help you study.

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU.

artistdiaz who are you taking Pharm with?

artistdiaz who are you taking Pharm with?

We can't post teacher names on here so I sent you a private message.

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