PBSC Spring 2011 hopeful......

U.S.A. Florida


Applied to PBSC RN Program for Spring 2011. Playing the waiting game. I decided to apply to the Belle Glade Campus.....

Thanks for the info, artistdiaz! It says I can't send private messages yet since I don't have enough posts, are you able to send it to me? I'm not sure if it works both ways lol. I didn't know the two classes were so similar, I wish I had signed up for 1141 this semester (2140 was full by the time I got things straightened out too). I think I'm still going to go for 2140 because I have to try to condense my credits because I'm only a few away from a bachelors already and they won't give me any more financial aid because I have so many credits and I can't afford to do anything double lol.

Thanks for the info, artistdiaz! It says I can't send private messages yet since I don't have enough posts, are you able to send it to me? I'm not sure if it works both ways lol. I didn't know the two classes were so similar, I wish I had signed up for 1141 this semester (2140 was full by the time I got things straightened out too). I think I'm still going to go for 2140 because I have to try to condense my credits because I'm only a few away from a bachelors already and they won't give me any more financial aid because I have so many credits and I can't afford to do anything double lol.

You must be able to receive but not send because I just sent you a private message and it let me. So I sent you the teacher's name. I hear you with the not taking anything twice, but I am turning 39 in December, have a wife, kids and a MORE than full time job and just couldn't take the chance of having to take Pharm at the same time as semester 1 nursing. It would just be too much for me. Good luck!

Thanks, I got it :D I have heard mixed reviews on ratemyprofessor.com about that teacher, but you never can tell which people are just complaining because they don't like to have to work, so I'm really glad I heard from you. I can completely understand not wanting to have to do it during semester 1, I have a 9 month old, I work, and I'll probably be at FAU for one or two classes as well if I get in, so I really wanted to get it out of the way too >.

RHaufler, what are you taking at FAU? Are you finishing a Bachelor's? In what? That is allot to do one semester...I wish you the best of luck. If I make it out alive this semester, and that is IF, I will be more than happy to help you next semester with Pharm. Of course I may also be right there with you if I don't pass this semester.

I'm trying to finish up my bachelor's in biology. It's too bad I couldn't get the extra point for having a bachelor's degree, I would feel pretty confident with a 29.15! I'm hoping that I can try to get a couple easy classes there next semester and then finish up the degree in the summer when there are no classes for the nursing program. I'm hoping that my experience with organic chem and biochem will help me get through pharmacology, but I have no experience with the actual drugs so I'm sure it's going to be brutal lol. I am sure you'll get through :D and I would definitely love some help getting oriented with the pharm class next semester

Ok...So it's officially 2 weeks today...I can't wait any longer, the suspense is starting to eat me up inside.

I know, I'm about ready to lose my mind. But, if what anju said is correct, and the denial letters are going out now and early next week I would rather wait through another week of suspense than be denied lol

I agree...but the way I see it is if they know who they are denying, then they MUST know who they are accepting. If that IS the case, then why not at least change our status on Panther Web so that we can breathe easier either way and then the letter arriving is just a formality and I wouldn't care if they sent it in December! LOL!!

Lol, I'm not sure... maybe they tabulate a list of point scores and then start from the bottom up? I know that they sometimes have to deal with appeals that can last halfway through the month and maybe are smudging the line between making it or not for a few people. Maybe the easiest way for them is to first knock out the people who are several points below the rest of the pack and then deal with the close calls afterwards. I know they also have to deal with ties sometimes too and have to go a whole nother route to figure out who gets in in the case of a tie. If they're sending out denials now, every day that I don't get one is going to make me a little more confident. Hopefully that isn't going to blow up in my face and I get denied at the last second lol

I suppose that logic makes sense...but I STILL WANT TO KNOW NOW! LOL!!!

Haha, me too! I am still checking my pbsc mail and pantherweb like 3 times a day just in case.... I suppose no news is good news, but even better news would be that we're in!

@ foodiej

i hope we both get into the belle glade campus....it is the least competative. i heard really good things about the belle glade campus compare to lake worth. we should find out shortly. denial letters go out the beginning of next week. so by the end of next week we should hear something.

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