I work at an outpatient integrative clinic where we do IV therapy. I have a patient who lives a long way away (a couple hours) and they are asking if they can have us order them IV supplies (vials of b-vitamins and minerals, saline bags, needles, syringes, port access kits, huber needles et....) and have their RN "friend" (granted, she is very experienced and licensed yadda yadda...) mix and administer the IVs in their home. This way they would not have to commute in order to get their regular IV therapy. I want to help them out but I am having some major hesitations. They don't seem to understand how complicated it is to set up an IV therapy area; there are 30 or so supplies that I use, not to mention how to mix things up. Also, if something goes wrong, even if they have signed a waiver, I would feel responsible.
I have a bad feeling about this and have expressed as much to the patient and my boss. However, I am wondering if there is something in writing, some law I can point out. It can't be legal to order IV therapy supplies, send them home with a patient, have them sign a waiver, have a skype session to tell the nurse how I mix up the bags, and hope nothing goes wrong!!! I am getting heavy push-back from the patient and my boss is trying to find a way to make it work. Please help? Advice?
Thanks so much!