passed NCLEX - thoughts after exam


Hi all,

I took NCLEX-RN last week and passed in 75 questions. I wanted to write in to hopefully calm some nerves out there. I had been reading numerous posts on here and really started to psych myself out. After reading it awhile you begin to think that this test is worse than it really is. I did horribly on my exit HESI so for those of you out there in a similar situation - you will do fine if you prepare. I knew I had to put in some serious prepping after my HESI results. I did abut 150-200 questions per day (give or take a day here or there) for about 5 weeks - I probably ended up doing about 3500 Saunders questions. I started in on Saunders CD and pretty much went from one end to the other in study mode. I went by systems which was helpful. I did all the questions on the CD aside from any of the OB/postpartum questions. I also only did about 200 of the pharm questions. I did almost all of the La Charity book which I thought was helpful, memorized lab values, and to mix it up at the end I bought Kaplan 2010 book and did their book and CD questions (about 250 questions total). NCLEX questions are more like Kaplan, but I liked Saunders explanations better - after you miss a question on Saunders it gives you a thorough description of the rationale. I looked at it as learning content while doing questions. I did like the Kaplan format though and thought it was very good. Basically, I think you can go either way and be prepared for NLCEX. I read some of the major sections in the Saunders book like , Resp, Cardiac, Endocrine, and Neuro and I think that was helpful, but it would be tough to read through the whole book as there is so much info. I felt the questions on NCLEX were not out of left field (crazy illness or procedure I had never heard of) but at the same time it was very challenging in that the answers you had to choose from were tricky as in they all sounded right or wrong. About 60-70% of the time I narrowed it down to two options and guessed.

Basically my message is - prepare, believe in yourself and you will be fine!

Best of luck to everyone!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Congrats and thanks for taking the time to post your experience

Specializes in school nurse, SNF, peds.


Specializes in Psychiatric Nurse.


congratulations rn!!! :yeah::yeah:

nice thread!!. the nclex can be/is overwhelming. reviewing the allnurses site beforehand can make the nclex process even more overwhelming if you continue to read the many posts about this topic. we are all different in how we prepare/study for this terrible nursing exam. it is good to come to the allnurses site to see what current nclex testers may be up against, in regards to topics, types of questions, etc. but in the end, your thread puts things is all about how you study, prepare and above all...believe in yourself.

again, congratulations!!!

:yeah:Congratulations!! I take my test in 2 weeks and very nervous about it. I've been using Kaplan 2010 and NCLEX 3500 daily. I agree about reading some of these posts giving me negative thoughts.

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.


thanks for this post! i am taking the nclex in january or february and am starting to study now while i am still in school. you are very right about being psyched out by some of the posts on here. i will do what you all have said!!!!

study hard and believe in myself!!!

congratulations again!

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