PARENTS say the darnedest things

Specialties School


We've got a thread for kids, but sometimes the parents come out with some doozies too! For example -

Parent: I just saw that donut is one of the breakfast options and I don't want (child) having too much sugar, can you tell the cafeteria that he's allergic to sugar?

Me: :bored:

After some parent education about what allergy alerts are actually for, and the sugar content of our donuts (they are really more like bread rolls, I had a similar concern until I bought one), I encouraged mom to talk to her student about healthy choices. He's in 5th grade, he is old enough to take responsibility for food choices.

Anyone else have a recent parent encounter that makes you shake your head and giggle?

I don't even know where to begin. :roflmao:

the ole' my child has a peanut allergy, okay I need an epi pen and Benadryl & then whispers, we just tell him that so he doesn't sit with a certain kid that we don't like and that kid eats peanut butter all the time. Mom continues..he also has a "reaction" to cheese..??mmmm(shaking my head), cheese? again, whispering, Mom states, Another boy who we don't like, eats cheese, so we told our son he has allergies to peanutbutter and cheese.

Awesome parenting..wanna be like you when I grow up

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i'm with SnowyJ - i have a feeling that now that we have a place to log it- i'll be coming here often!

Specializes in School Nurse.

I am NOT kidding - boy rolled his ankle, refused to walk (no swelling or bruising seen). Called mom thinking she would tell him to get to class. Nope, she asked "have you done an X-ray yet?" Well of course our school has an X-ray machine upstairs. Seriously? She made such a big deal about this, and was going to send him to school in a wheelchair and progress to a walker. When she got here he walked out perfectly without assistance.

Specializes in School nursing.
I am NOT kidding - boy rolled his ankle, refused to walk (no swelling or bruising seen). Called mom thinking she would tell him to get to class. Nope, she asked "have you done an X-ray yet?" Well of course our school has an X-ray machine upstairs. Seriously? She made such a big deal about this, and was going to send him to school in a wheelchair and progress to a walker. When she got here he walked out perfectly without assistance.


I might have responded the same way I do to students: "My x-ray vision is broken. Forever."

1. What do you mean you cannot give my child Advil that expired 4 years ago?

2. Are you sure you do not have a big bottle of Tylenol somewhere in your clinic that you can give to my darling who was sick when he left the house 6 minutes ago?

3. He has a fever of 102? really? Does this mean I need to pick him up?


Specializes in School nursing.

"What do you mean you can't give my child a pill I send him in with wrapped in saran wrap?"

(Yes, this actually happened. I know.)

Specializes in DD, PD/Agency Peds, School Sites.

Parent came to change her son with pee-pee pants. "He does this a lot because he is not circumcised." Oh, dear.

1. What do you mean you cannot give my child Advil that expired 4 years ago?

2. Are you sure you do not have a big bottle of Tylenol somewhere in your clinic that you can give to my darling who was sick when he left the house 6 minutes ago?

3. He has a fever of 102? really? Does this mean I need to pick him up?


LOL! I did not finish the post because I got called away to bandage a student across the hall with 1/2 drop of blood on his arm. Because of me wiping it with an antiseptic wipe and plopping a band-aid on there, the kid will now not have to have an amputation!!!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.
LOL! I did not finish the post because I got called away to bandage a student across the hall with 1/2 drop of blood on his arm. Because of me wiping it with an antiseptic wipe and plopping a band-aid on there, the kid will now not have to have an amputation!!!

performing miracles again? I performed a similar miracle with a student unable to walk who had fallen roller skating and bruised his leg (he was fine)

One of the biggest jaw drop moments for me was a call to a parent to report that a child had a high fever (it was a doozy as i remember - over 103) and i was met with an annoyed sigh by one of those desperate housewife type moms who declared she'd get to the school after she finished her time at the gym. Uh no... you'll come now... your child is miserable and I will let your child know that you valued your workout time over their welfare.

Dear Lord. Yeah, I had a diva mom who was pissed that I dare disturb her "lunch with the girls" for the pesky issue that her daughter had a fever. (Turned out to be flu.)

She walks in about an hour later all "done up," Coach bag on the crook of her arm, clickety-clicking in on stilettos...Looks at her daughter and sharply says


As if the poor kid planned to be sick and ruin her day. I seriously nearly throat punched her. :no:

One of these days you can count on me going down in a blaze of glory. :angrybird10:

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