Published Mar 7, 2016
mc3, ASN, RN
931 Posts
I have run into this situation frequently this year. One parent in particular is troublesome about this. When I call home for a feverish or sick child or if the child has lice, the parent just says "I can't pick them up. I don't have a car". She was quite nasty about it when this last happened. The child/children end up staying in the front office or in my clinic all day, and we end up sending home on the bus despite the fact that it's against school policy to do so. This has happened several times this year with this parent. The principal doesn't want to make any waves with parents, so she goes along with it. I think in this case, Mom knows we don't do anything about it so it's of no consequence to her.
What do you do at your school? I'm getting tired of being a free babysitter....
56 Posts
Once it has happened a few times I go to my supervisor and then involve CPS.
293 Posts
We are fortunate to have a School Resource Officer who will transport the child. Prior to that, the principal would transport. Assuming someone was home to receive them, of course.
She won't do that. She's doesn't want any complaints from parents. That's the frustrating part. Won't even call parent to reiterate policy. It's "well, we can't force them to pick them up." 😡 Just one of many many reasons I need to get out of here...
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
She won't do that. She's doesn't want any complaints from parents. That's the frustrating part. Won't even call parent to reiterate policy. It's "well, we can't force them to pick them up." ������ Just one of many many reasons I need to get out of here...
That's really sad...and spineless. Do you think the superintendent or school board approves of not enforcing the school policy? It really does a disservice to the student body and faculty.
Actually, I think they would back her. They are just afraid of parents..the unspoken motto is "whatever it takes to keep parents happy so they won't come after us"....
142 Posts
Not that I insist on playing devil's advocate but I couldn't help to wonder how do you handle cases when a parent actually can't come to pick up their child? Suppose this is a single parent situation? And what if that parent is at work? Maybe they can't afford to leave work long enough to come pick their kid? I've heard of some employers who aren't too family friendly (especially with their female employees). I can think of a few other situations when this would be complicated. I suppose a family relative or friend could be called in but it isn't always easy to organize at the last minute.
How do you handle these cases?
Not that I insist on playing devil's advocate but I couldn't help to wonder how do you handle cases when a parent actually can't come to pick up their child? Suppose this is a single parent situation? And what if that parent is at work? Maybe they can't afford to leave work long enough to come pick their kid? I've heard of some employers who aren't too family friendly (especially with their female employees). I can think of a few other situations when this would be complicated. I suppose a family relative or friend could be called in but it isn't always easy to organize at the last minute.How do you handle these cases?Dany
Just so I have a better understanding of how to respond to you post, which is certainly a good devil's advocacy contribution, do you have children of your own?
12,646 Posts
I had a kid who missed multiple days for psych issues. They are trying to wean her back into school. She presented with a 101.4 fever and pus in her throat. Mom (a single mom, who works) wanted her to stick it out so she can get used to being back. I told her "Today is not the day for that"
She had an aunt come get her.
There is almost always a solution if the parent plans ahead.
Hello OldDude,
No, alas, I do not have any kids of my own. Fate has seen fit to doom me to the lowly role of benevolent uncle (and I make a darn good one too!).
(Please don't hold it against me )
Hello OldDude,No, alas, I do not have any kids of my own. Fate has seen fit to doom me to the lowly role benevolent uncle (and I make a darn good one too!).(Please don't hold it against me )Dany
No, alas, I do not have any kids of my own. Fate has seen fit to doom me to the lowly role benevolent uncle (and I make a darn good one too!).
I don't think anyone is holding anything against you. The point is, as a parent you not only have Plan B, you also have C, D, E, F...
Ah... Yes... That make sense. Thank you for edjumacating me, Ma'am.
(I get it now... Read, think, THEN reply. )