paramedic goinggoing going!!

Nurses General Nursing


i have a question ladies and gents! i have been a paramedic for several years. i no longer work in the field i am about to complete my BS in exercise phys. following that i am going to nursing school. I am considering letting my paramedic go, it has become too much of a hassle to maintain. 48 hours of refresher 24 hours of ce's plus acls and bls. i have to maintain acls and bls for my current job. has any one been in a similar sit? any advice? my wife says i will miss some fundamental things if i paramedic bridge. and i trust her opinion on that she is an rn and former EMT. any advice?

Right now I am teachng over in Bangkok, but continue to keep all of my certifications up. You stated that you wanted cardiac rehab, ,etc. to use your exercise physiology background. My suggestion is that the paramedic certification will help open more doors for you. Remember, not all cardiac rehab units are directly in the main hospital, and unfortunately, as these things go, your skills will definitely be put to good use.

Good luck to you, whatever you decide to do.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency, Education, Informatics.

Keep it. I let mine go in 1997 and now am aving to get it back in order to fly and teach.

I think I am going to let it go! It's time to move on! It's just a pain in the neck! Oh and CAROLINA two words anger management!

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
Originally posted by rj1973

I think I am going to let it go! It's time to move on! It's just a pain in the neck! Oh and CAROLINA two words anger management!

That's interesting - I was going to say the same to you.......but then, that would have been that sarcasm that you say that you distain so.

But then you know so much about Nursing and it's requirements, I hope that Program includes a class on interpersonal relationships/communication

ppl like you carolina are the reason i have dobuts about becoming a nurse. and yes i know a great deal about nursing becuase as i stated, my wife is in RN, so is my mom, my aunt, and my cousin ( male and former emt/ff)! you are making a thread that i wanted to use to help make a personal descision into a pissin' contest! you are a petty small person and i don't care for your brand of sarcasm. in fact i don't plan to visit this site anymore. i really appreciate so many folks responding hte majority here kie in the nursing proffession are good folks. but you just made my choices a lot easier!

i would suggest you find some other way to vent your frustrations. i never said a damn thing about you( or any nurse) being a "lowly nurse" and as a matter a fact i consider nurses as a whole to be more broadly educated than paramedics. hence i have NO desire to bridge but would rather complete a traditional curriculum.

carolina you seem like you feel the need to WHACK ppl over the head with your "welcoming to nursing" bit! i certain you do it to everyone who is new or interested in nursing!

it's a control thing right? deep inside it makes you feel superior to others! i hope you find some way to release your hostilities. becuaes ppl like you are killing others desires to enter this career field.

to everyone who responded thank you! but my aunt is right there are an inordinate amount of hostile ppl in the nursing field.

case in point when i asked the same question on an RT forum i got similar responses from the good folks, like craig,travilinglady, etc. but after 52 responses not one hostile person.(that is not to say there are not hostile ppl in RT) carolina go for walk, jog, swim, take a krav maga class, whatever, just get over it. thanks to all but i have no plans to return to

Specializes in ER, PED'S, NICU, CLINICAL M., ONCO..

Everyone is free of doing what his/her heart desires.

Anyway, a good reflection over group's dynamic interaction would be to keep in mind that dialectic interchange between members is precisely what makes the group GROW, I mean, evolve as group.

That allows the personal growth and emotional enrichment of each one in the group.

Following that line of thinking one could be better thankful for having the opportunity of belonging to a such heterogeneous group instead of getting offended for finding a thought diversity.

Besides, all the angles of a subject belong to that subject... including negative and opposite ones. Without them there couldn't be a subject.

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

There are no words.....................

Specializes in Emergency room, med/surg, UR/CSR.

Whatever you decide to do, it will be right for you.

I was the last class in my state to only have to take the take certification. They started the national registry the year after that and I have never pursued it. As a state certified medic, I could do everything that NR-EMTPs could do so I didn't see any reason to torture myself to get that.

I have until October to decide if I want to recert, I can already assist with teaching and helping with practicals as a nurse, so....I don't know.

Sorry to RJ. Hope you do come back!!


Frodo Failed!!!!

Bush has the Ring!!!!

:roll That is so funny! Thanks for the laugh!

Specializes in insanity control.

Your Training as a Paramedic makes you invaluable in any Cardaic area. I was working ER as a Paramedic and any time a Code came in to our Cardiac ER the DR demanded that the Paramedic on duty was there. His statement was that Paramedics were trained for codes and did more of them than any nurse he knew. ( please don't flame just repeating what he said) It was a knowledge and training vs education. I wish you well in all that you try. If you don't like it after you have tried it, there are many different fields of nursing. I get my "fix" in OB L&D. To each their own. Hope you find a fit and hope you think long and hard about what you will be giving up vs what you hope to find.

Take care and do not let one person drive you away from this forum. It provides so much good information to each of us. God bless and good day.

Specializes in Emergency/Critical Care Transport.

I've been where you are. I consider dropping my NREMTP everytime it's up for renewal, basically because the state where I function as a paramedic doesn't require it and it's a bunch hoops to jump through for no discernible benefit. I've had it since 1985 and it really only helped me once when I got my paramedic cert in Pennsylvania. So the jury's out on Nat'l Registry. But as far as my regular medic cert goes, I won't give it up. 1.) I still do it part time and it's still a hoot.

2.) I've gotten multiple job offers and higher base salaries in the RN field simply because I've been a medic for 20 yrs.

I know a another nurse who got a dream job working on at a diver's first aid station in Maui. The requirement was that you were an RN and a Paramedic. Now that's a job I'd have jumped on. (if only I were young and single again.)

Don"t drop it if you can swing it. You never know when you'll want to go into critical care transport, or flight nursing, or something else related.

Anyway think hard about. It's a pain in the a$$ to keep up but it's an even bigger pain to drop and re-certify.

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