Out of nursing program cause i am smoker!!!

Nurses General Nursing


Help, I am at risk of being out of the nursing program because I am a smoker.

I really could use some advise on how to deal with a very unfair instructor. I am a first year PN student and we just started clinicals in Nov. I have an instructor that is absloutely against smoking. Of 18 students in the class only about 6 are not smokers. We were informed that if we as much as smelled of smoke during clinicals we would be docked in our grade.

One day another student and I got busted for smoking. Please no lectures on smoking and how bad it is. I really would like to quit. Anyway, our grade for the day was docked in every area it could. I would be fine with that. What I dont feel is fair is the way the instructor handled it after that.

A few days after the incident the instructor pulled me into her office when no one was around. She flat out asked me if I had smoked, and I said I will not lie, I did. She asked why after knowing her clear views on smoking I would do that, was I just that addicted? I told her yes, it is an addiction. This teacher than asked me about the other student and if she had smoked also. I felt uncomfortable about her asking me about another student, but I admitted she did also. I told her that I was sorry and would make sure it didnt happen again during clinicals. In fact I had just done another clinical the day before and told her in no way did I smoke before or during that clinical. This lovely woman told me that I need to think about what my punishment should be for disobeying her rules. Now remember my grade got docked for smelling of smoke. She also threatened to tell my mother about the incident. My mom works at the college but in a totally unrelated department.

A few days later she pulled me and the other student aside in a public hallway to lecture us and give us our punishment. She stated that we would write a 2 page paper with 2 references on how to quit smoking. Also we would write a 2 page paper on lying. Now I never did lie to her, she asked me if I smoked and I told her yes I did. If I wouldnt have confessed she wouldnt be able to punish us at all. Then to top it off she wants a 3 page paper on patient abandonment. She informed us, this is on the very last day of class before Christmas break, that we will have an incomplete in her class until she recieves these. I feel she is out of line and that she did this in a public hallway is just aweful. She wanted to make an example of us in front of the other students and I feel she handled this poorly.

I am furious. I have read the policies and procedures for the program I am in and nowhere does it say anything about smoking. In fact I dont think she can even assign extra papers because of it. My grade was docked as we were warned would happen. How can she make up extra punishment when I was punished by my grade? How can she make up extra assignments when we were told our grade would be docked. I earned a very hard A in her class. I got a 98% on her final.

Also this woman is a constant overeater and is constantly snacking on candy and other fattening treats. She flat out admits she cant live without candy. Yet she has the balls to judge anyone that smokes. She actually will pick out little things to dock grades on just because someone is a smoker when a nonsmoker can do clearly worse and recieve a better grade. I wrote in a letter to her that her behavior toward me and the other student was rude. In public to degrade us and ask us to write about effects of smoking and lying. How would she like it if she was asked to write about her eating habits and lack of exercise and how her fat butt is bad for her health? She can walk around with a jelly donut in her fat hand, but god forbid she smells smoke on a student.

She called me at home tonight to inform me that if she does not have these papers in hand by Weds of this week she will not let me continue in the program. I am considering taking her actions to her superiors and filing a greivance with the college regarding my grade.

Is it fair for a teacher to withhold your grade because of something like this? I have wrote her a letter pointing out how unfair it is and that I will not write extra papers for being a smoker. I admited to her I was wrong to smoke during a clinical, and said it will not happen again. My grade for that day was lowered because of it. I expect the grade I earned for the semester. I completed her course and than on the last day she throws 3 papers at me as a punishment!!!

I wrote her a letter that I expect the grade I earned and will not be treated like a child and will go to the board if she follows through on her threat. I feel I should add I am a president and deans list student. I have a print out of the points in her class and have earned a 96% fair and square. The class is over and I have an incomplete at the time deans and presidents list are being made, so she has taken that from me.

Please no lectures about smoking, if i could just quit I would. I want to know if her behavior is even justifiable? What are my legal options in this?

Ok i thought I would add some clarification. This incident was not at a hospital, it was a a LTF. 90% of the staff that works there are smokers including the nurses. Until 2 yrs ago this place had a smoking room, indoors, for staff.

I was done with my patient for the day and my patient had asked me to leave her alone to nap. I am a considerate smoker, I try my best to not smell of smoke, and the smoke the instructor smelled was on my jacket. It is cold here and smoke sticks to your clothes when you have to go outside in the cold.

I told her that I would not smoke during or right before clinicals anymore before she assigned the extra work. I have not given her the letter. It was written in a very angry state and I have slept on it. I am going in to speak to her in an hour or so to explain to her in person how I feel about her display in the hallway and my intent to settle things without having to involve anyone but us.

There is not a policy on clinicals and smoking in the written rules. She verbally told us if we smell like smoke we will be docked. I agree smelling like smoke around patients is unprofessional in a hospital setting. However most of the staff at this LTF smoke and there is a smoking area. I already told her it would not happen again after she pulled me aside and asked me if I had smoked. This was a first incident and I feel she has gone overboard because of her personal bias.

After talking to her if she still holds her ground on writing the papers I will write them to be able to continue in the program. I will also go over her head regarding the withholding of my grade and the unfairness of it. I guess I feel someone has to stand up to her at somepoint. She has been bullying most of the class all year so far.

Specializes in Critical Care.
I will also go over her head regarding the withholding of my grade and the unfairness of it. I guess I feel someone has to stand up to her at somepoint. She has been bullying most of the class all year so far.

Remember this dynamic: you are a dime a dozen; there are students lined up to take your place - AND - your tuition has already been paid.

That instructor is practically irreplaceable. There is a dire shortage of instructors, not students.

Life sometimes isn't fair. Fairness will not be the issue here, either. If it comes right down to it, from the school's perspective - you are replaceable, that instructor isn't. THAT'S NOT FAIR. So, what?

As far as the degrading style of punishment, I'm reminded of when I was in the military at age 19 and one of my military peers, new to 'military time', mistook 1500 for 5pm and showed up very late to a planned exercise. Her punishment: she had to write out a conversion scale from military to civilian time - 1,000 times. I am also reminded of the fact that she was never late again.

Look at your thread title: you might be DROPPED over this. If you understand the stakes that well, then keep them in mind when you decide that fairness is more important than continuing.



My advice. Be certain to choose your words carefully with her when you speak to her. It sounds as though she likes controlling situations, so don't give her any reason to think you mean disrespect or any more reasons to want to 'punish' you. (Even if you do secretly want to smash a big ole doughnut up her nose :lol2: ) I understand you want to discuss this with her and stand up for you rights and you should, but in a professional manner....not necissarily for her, but for your own sake. Good luck with ths meeting and let us know what becomes of it.

My husband always insists that I bring my neb machine along on any trips we take. A few years ago we went to Reno, and while waiting in the hotel lobby to check in I started wheezing bad enough that I needed to have a neb. I am so glad I live in CA where smoking is not allowed in public establishments. I agree that smokers should be allowed to smoke if they wish, but I disagree with the statement that smokers should have rights to smoke anywhere. I am an asthmatic who grew up in a family of smokers, although I myself have never smoked. Just walking past a person smelling of smoke can trigger an asthma attack. Smokers have the right to smoke in the privacy of their own home or car, but I believe that people in professions like nursing, where many pts have compromised respiratory status, even the smell of smoke should not be allowed. What about my right to breathe??

Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.
I wanted to say that from a patient standpoint, it can be harmful. My 6 week old grandson just got out of the hospital after a five day stay (with oxygen) for RSV. He had one CNA that smoked because I could smell it when he stood outside the room to put on the isolation gown! My daughter-in-law asked that he not come into the baby's room anymore because the smell was so strong and made the baby cough.

Also - in IL - it is illegal to smoke on hospital grounds. When I worked at our local hospital, it was illegal to smoke in the parking lot in your car even!

I do not think the instructor should be calling you at home, threatening to tell your mother (how bizarre!), or threatening you.

However, the no smoking rule isn't that unusual.

Agreed. If you were told not to smoke it was for a reason. I agree that your grade should have been docked however I think that should have been that. You know you did something wrong, ie smoking during clinicals (not necc smoking in general bc that is your choice), you were punished and that should have been it.

I also think its rather odd she threatened to tell your mother..how juvenile. I'd still write the papers, you dont want to get behind, but i'd talk to someone higher up, her behavior isn't professional. i do agree with the other posters when they say don't make waves, however, you can have a confidential meeting with a higher up. If they do something then great, if not then it should remain confidential. That is how things worked at my school.

Oh and just wanted to throw in...to non smokers the smell of smoke is very strong...it just lingers and smells so bad. I don't think nurses should smoke during their shift or immediately before. I totally understand your instructors wishes there.


Having BEEN in the military (and I can't even believe I'm going to say this), I have to say that summation is a bit far-fetched.

People cannot arbitrarily name themselves the Supreme Authority, which this woman may have done. Nursing school is NOT and SHOULD NOT be "boot camp". Writing papers on lying is asinine and childish - it's something we did in GRADE SCHOOL, and certainly should not be required of adults in a college-level program.

If the OP is indeed telling the truth - there is NO clear-cut, black-and-white, written policy on smoking, then this instructor doesn't have a leg to stand on.

I am starting my last semester of RN program next week, and trust me we have been treated like 1st graders from day one, we even had one instructor that did not like for us to get up during her lecture to go to restroom:angryfire she was awful, thank god she retired 2 semesters ago. But, I will tell you I learned the most from her. The program takes the stand as you are chosen by their criteria, and it is priveledge according themt to be in their program, not that you are paying to go there?????:madface: Trust me this was the biggest problem for me out of everything, the control issue with the program.

I don't think I'd have a one-on-one meeting with this instructor - I'd have her supervisor in also.

But I see it is too late as you said you have a mtg in an hour and that hour is gone.


I agree with the posters who have advised you to choose your battles wisely. You can turn this bad situation into a Supreme Court case if you choose to do so, but be prepared to be looking at alternative activities in the end. It does not matter how childish, outlandish, or even just plain wrong, you instructor has been in handling this. It boils down to: how badly do you want to finish nursing school? You are forgetting that when you took that space in your school, there were prospective students, just as qualified, that did not even get to start nursing school. Among those, are some who would gladly follow any rules put in front of them. Take your lumps. Write the papers and finish school. Good luck in your meeting. I hope you have not pushed your issues too far. Remember, it will go beyond this one instructor. She may let you redeem yourself, but you have now labeled yourself as a boat rocker, and you will have to toe the mark to live that rep down. The objective in nrsg school is to develop and maintain a low profile and GRADUATE! Do what the instructor told you to do and get back to business!

I did meet with her this afternoon. I was very polite about it and we talked calmly. I didn't threaten or say anything about going over her head. I am sucking it up and writing the papers. She insists on having them and I don't really want to cause to many waves. I have to deal with her for another year and a half. I am considering talking to her supervisor, confidentially, about the issue. I know if it came to it i could take this to court and win, but why cause problems?

I did meet with her this afternoon. I was very polite about it and we talked calmly. I didn't threaten or say anything about going over her head. I am sucking it up and writing the papers. She insists on having them and I don't really want to cause to many waves. I have to deal with her for another year and a half. I am considering talking to her supervisor, confidentially, about the issue. I know if it came to it i could take this to court and win, but why cause problems?

I'm glad your meeting went well and I'm sorry you have to write those stupid papers. I'd just take it as a lesson learned and lay low around her from now on. Don't give her any reason to pick on you again. Hopefully she'll find someone else to pick on next time around. Good luck.

I agree that your CI seems to have taken this too far, but do yourself a favor and just let it go. If you keep pushing the issue it's going to make you look like a trouble maker and eventually it might just get you kicked out of the nursing program.

Specializes in Tele, ICU, ER.

Nursing school isn't like boot camp. I don't ever remember boot camp success being THAT subjective!

That said, nursing school is the only program I've ever seen in college where the grading in so many areas is completely based on the opinion of someone who might or might not be professional enough to be objective. There are instructors out there who will grade you based on their own (perhaps unconscious) personal biases. Sounds like this is one of those times.

So...you have to ask yourself: How bad do I want to be a nurse? I was never targeted as you were (yes, I smoke) but many of my co-students were, for various things, from being too fat, to having a sick child (ONE time). We all sucked up some of the most stupid rules - regardless of school policy, if an instructor had a rule for her class, we followed it, no matter how stupid, idiotic or silly.

Now, being a smart-alek brat I-talian from Philly... I'd write the papers, exactly to her requirements. She wants a paper on lying. Did she specify what ABOUT lying she wants? Because there's probably some research out there about how people PERCEIVE lying or THINK they are lied to, or how it is defined. She wants a paper about smoking or about addiction? Oh my the fun you could have researching that. APA format please, perfect grammer, properly researched and quoted.

If you want to, you can find a way to make a paper say WHATEVER you want it to say and do it correctly and properly, with no way to actually find fault with it. Heck just look at some of the research out there that's taken as gospel... what's the one? OH yeah BSNs are the only ones who give really good patient care LOL. Get her paper requirements in writing, specifically, and have at it.

Ack - that's ME and I'd probably be on my butt for that! Nevermind! Suck it up, write the papers, keep a diary of every single thing that happened, including your grade with the I, the papers you write, a notation of your conversations with her, school policy regarding this, etc. Then AFTER you graduate, and have your diploma in your hand, send a letter to the director of the program, with all of your information and state that you felt that you couldn't bring it up sooner due to fear of retaliation. And that you'll certainly be sharing your experience with prospective students.

There is no accountability in nursing school, so you'll be well prepared for many of the working environments out there, don't worry.

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