OU 2019 absn (2018 applicant)

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Hey! Has anyone else applied to the absn program for 2019? Or heard back yet? I applied to Lawton in the spring and to OKC for summer.

5 hours ago, RileyLD said:

Anyone hear yet?

Nope... nothing here. Any updates??

Nope....just getting more and more nervous!

has anyone called to know when we hear back?

Hi everyone! I know I’m late to the comment game but I’m super nervous, too! I’d love if the admission decisions were released today. Fingers crossed!

The FAQ on the website says decisions are released by mid March. That’s so far away. Hopefully they’ll come out earlier. I tried calling but it keeps going to voicemail. Maybe lots of people are calling? ?

Where is everybody applying? I’m only applying to OKC... I know- eggs all in one basket- but we have three kids in Edmond Schools and don’t want to relocate for this.

There will have to be some some serious soul-searching happening if I don’t get in.

On the Nursingcas application I ranked my options (#1 OKC, #2 Tulsa)...now I'm thinking that I had to submit a whole supplementary application for Tulsa. Did anyone apply for both? I'm thinking I might have done it wrong and only will be eligible for OKC.

That’s a good question. I submitted a supplemental for the traditional program, but not for different locations. Though I can only go to the OKC campus

Y'all, this is all too much. I applied for the OKC as my preference, but I am almost positive it is an "all campus" thing. I also applied to the traditional route as well. Here's to hoping it's soon. I need to move out of Texas ASAP!

On 1/29/2019 at 11:25 AM, RileyLD said:

Which campus are you applying to?


Tulsa Campus for me. I’m not really in a position to move anywhere like Lawton or OKC. All my eggs are definitely in one basket. ?

I wonder what the average GPA's are for accepted students?

I have all the pre-reqs done, but a lot of them were done at a community college, since it didn't make sense to go back to my alma mater as it would be 3x the price.

I hope that doesn't count to much against me, for what it's worth the micro and physio courses I took at CC this past fall were much harder than the general chem and bio I took at my university.

Anyone brave enough to share stats? I'll go first.

Last 60: 3.8

Science: 4.0

Cumulative: 3.9

most people do poorly in the beginning of their academic career, but I actually got the worst grades in my last 60 units! I was unbelievably burnt out!

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