Other than California and Maryland


Hello all

I am a respiratory therapist and I am wanting to transition into a RN program

I have a choice to make

Excelsior College straight into there RN program


Entering an LVN program then transition into a RN program at my local community collage

Other than California and Maryland are there any other states that do not recognize a RN degree from Excelsior College



Starting last year Colorado stopped accepting Excelsior grads straight out of school. You have to work x number of hrs as an RN in another state (believe it is 2000 hrs) before you can endorse into CO. The info is on their website. Another thread on this subject contains some posts concerning the difficulty in finding out this info during the time that CO was in the process of changing their rules. If you can find that thread, you can read about it. In order to get the info, you need to keep in contact with the boards of any state that you are interested in. Even then, as in the case of CO, the info may not be readily avail on the website of the state. Also I would recommend asking the personnel of Excelsior concerning this. They are very interested in which states accept their program; they became so involved as to sue to no avail, in the state of CA. Good luck with your choices.

There are about ten states that do not accept the Excelsior degree, just do a search here. Several threads on the topic. And the states that do not accept it for initial licensure will not accept it for endorsement later on either.

Specializes in Peds stepdown ICU.

you must be very careful when considering the EC route now. Several states have provisions in place such as Colorado, Arizona, Washington, and others. Maryland and California will not accept the degree. When I did the program the only state that wouldn't accept the degree was Illinois...and they would after 2 years working in another state. Things have changed since the California decision. Places you may not think you will move to may become a reality later on...and you don't want to not be able to work in your field. So much has happened since 2003 with various boards throughout the nation. The program was good for me and I learned a lot...but unfortunately the program is under much scrutiny....

Specializes in LTAC, Telemetry, Thoracic Surgery, ED.

Not that this is an option for everyone but the VA in all states accepts excelsior from what I understand.

The VA is an excellent organization to work for, they accept all state's licensure. If one can get on, (not necessarily easy), and doesn't mind traveling around to find openings, a good way to go. My best friend said her first job and best job was with the VA.

There are about ten states that do not accept the Excelsior degree, just do a search here. Several threads on the topic. And the states that do not accept it for initial licensure will not accept it for endorsement later on either.

I'm not too sure about that blanket statement. I heard on this forum that Florida would not accept EC grads if they were medics first (which is my situation). I talked to a nice lady at the Florida BON who told me that if I got my initial license from Ohio and tried to endorse to FL that they did not care where or how I got my RN that they were more than willing to let me endorse.

Bottom line, check with each state...

Specializes in Peds stepdown ICU.

There is partial truth to Florida and Excelsior. They will not allow you to sit for boards as a medic but will allow endorsement. I have only heard of 2 states that outright don't accept EC...Florida and Maryland. The rest of the states may have some restrictions BUT I think those restrictions are workable.

Specializes in LTAC, Telemetry, Thoracic Surgery, ED.


I saw this posting and was curious myself....I emailed excelsior and this is the response I got

since you are an lpn/vn now, when you complete our program, the

only state right now you will not be able to have licensure in is MD, and

we are trying to work with that board and you would have to have RN hours

to endorse into CA, IL and VT and a few others.

If you are planning on moving please call me and we can discuss any states

that you are interested in but right now it is only MD that you couldn't

eventually have licensure and we are trying to deal with this board as we


Thanks for the info MAnurseHopeful. It is always easier for those who have questions to get their info by going directly to the source, in this case Excelsior. Thanks again, for passing on the latest. You have made the process easier for someone.

Specializes in Peds stepdown ICU.

I saw this posting and was curious myself....I emailed excelsior and this is the response I got

since you are an lpn/vn now, when you complete our program, the

only state right now you will not be able to have licensure in is MD, and

we are trying to work with that board and you would have to have RN hours

to endorse into CA, IL and VT and a few others.

If you are planning on moving please call me and we can discuss any states

that you are interested in but right now it is only MD that you couldn't

eventually have licensure and we are trying to deal with this board as we


Be careful because California DOES NOT allow licensure to EC grads unless you met the 2003 deadline date. This was verified to me both via the state boards office at Excelsior and the board of nursing in Ca. It is also posted right on the CA boards website. No exceptions. They will not let you endorse in with so many RN hours either. Call them if you plan to live in Ca and do EC...unfortunately at this point they stand firm to their 2003 decision...and they won the last court battle to uphold the decision!

Specializes in ICU.

clear.gif excelsior college > my excelsior college > open letter to the nursing community regarding californiaclear.gif

open letter to the nursing community regarding california clear.gif

for your convenience, a printable version of this letter is available in pdf:


april 13, 2006

dear students, alumni and faculty:

late last month we met with representatives of the california board of registered nursing (brn) as part of our continuing efforts to address the brn’s previous decision to discontinue issuing rn licenses to excelsior college associate degree graduates after december 2003. this meeting was productive and i want to share with you how we are moving forward toward a positive resolution of this matter.

first, let me point out that for those of our students who were enrolled in our associate degree nursing program prior to december 5, 2003, the question of your eligibility for licensure is not at issue. the plan being laid out below does not pertain to you. the brn has assured us that if you remain enrolled in the program and proceed to graduation that you will be permitted to sit for the nclex-rn examination. furthermore, the brn has stated that if you pass the exam you will be eligible for licensure in california, assuming that you meet all the other, non-education related requirements.

during our march meeting with the brn, several aspects of the situation were discussed in frank and open dialogue. the result is that the brn has agreed to grant original licensure, under defined circumstances, to excelsior college graduates who enrolled after december 5, 2003. in simplest terms, the brn has indicated its willingness to license our graduates who are already licensed vocational nurses and who have completed a 400-hour precepted experience in concert with an approved in-state nursing program. this concept has already been communicated by the brn to directors of associate degree nursing programs in california.

the college is currently in the process of contacting and working with california-based nursing schools to make the necessary arrangements for these precepted experiences. once these arrangements have been made and approved by the brn, excelsior college will be able to resume enrolling california residents into our associate degree nursing program.

in addition, the brn assured us that graduates of excelsior college who hold current, valid rn licenses from another state will be considered for licensure by endorsement on the same terms as are graduates of other out-of-state associate degree programs.

we are pleased with this turn of events and are diligently pursuing the necessary arrangements that will once again make the excelsior college option available to residents of california. in the meantime, we thank you for the letters, emails, and phone calls that you have sent in support of the college.

kindest regards,


m. bridget nettleton, phd, rn

dean, school of nursing

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