

I had orientation today. I was so excited to actually get my schedule and pick out my clinical site. Everyone was sooooo nice and I think I'm really going to like it. After a million years of pre-req's it is a little surreal. Anyone else have there's yet?

Specializes in Neuro.

Unfortunately, mine won't start until right before school starts in August. A real bummer!!! But I am glad to hear that yours went well and that everyone was so nice. It is always good to hear the positive when so much of what we read is negative~about all the backstabbing, instructor issues and so on. Good luck~


Thats so great! When does classes and clinicals officially start?

Do you have them everyday?

Classes start on August 28th. I will only be in school on Tues 8-11:40, wed(first 8weeks)12:30-2:10, (2nd 8weeks)7-1, and thurs 9:30-5:50...with lots of long breaks between classes to study. I think that is a pretty good schedule. I like having 4day weekends, plenty of time for studying!!

We have another day coming up which sounds like an orientation but it is a NS "overview" where we will get to learn about the clinical req's, meet fellow classmates and administrators, get all of our questions answered more in depth and tour the School of Nursing (which I can't wait for, since I've only seen pictures of it online). That one is in May.

I have a few more weeks left of pre-req's and then the whole summer OFF!! I am planning on spending it having a blast with my kids and getting my house in order.

I can't wait to hear all about everyone elses!!

I have my orientation on June 19th. I can't wait. I went today and got certified for CPR. We start classes on Aug. 29th. Good Luck

Fun, fun, fun. I take the cpr cert on May 21st. How was the cpr training? I haven't had any since H.S. I registered for the American Heart (BLS) because it is good for two years.

Congrats and good luck to you as well!

The certification is good for two years. It only took 2 hours. The time went by very quickly. The guidelines have changed so you will hear a few new things. Our instructor spoke very quickly, but she gave us a handout with all the information. I am also taking the summer off and plan to get the house in order and spend time with my three girls. I start on Aug 29th. I wont know my schedule until june 19th. However I do know that clinicals will be on fridays from 6:30 - 4:30. I can't wait to start. I have been waiting a long time for this. Oh and I am suuuuppppeeerrr excited to have only one more week left of a and p 2 and micro. Hip Hip Hooray:monkeydance:

My orientation was April 10 for NS that starts May 14. I wish they would have told us more! They had all incoming students together, so info wasn't specific to upper division/accelerated. They also had to give a lot of basic info about the school, since some people did their prereqs elsewhere. I guess I was hoping for more guidance, but I know NS isn't going to hold my hand. The clinical coordinator spoke for a long time, and while she sounds hard, she was so excited about her job and about nursing in general. That was a good sign. She also stressed that our instructors are there to teach us, so to please come to them if we're not understanding something. I hope that's true. And she mentioned that all of our clinicals start at 0630. Doh! We take 3 classes this summer, then dive into clinicals in August and finish a year later. I just want to start!

Wow MMW37 you are starting soon!! I can say that I don't envy your early start time...I am NOT a morning person...even 8:00a is stretching it for me. I am hoping my internal clock will adjust to the early mornings fairly quickly. Your school sounds like a good learning environment, they are already encouraging you to ask questions and are enthusiastic about nursing...that is a good thing!! Good luck!!

Thanks! It doesn't feel soon to me though - I started my prereqs 3 years ago, so I'm ready to start NS yesterday!

This thread is really motivating me. Everyone is so happy and doing so well. Congratulations to all and good luck. I will have my day soon. Keep me posted.

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.
I had orientation today. I was so excited to actually get my schedule and pick out my clinical site. Everyone was sooooo nice and I think I'm really going to like it. After a million years of pre-req's it is a little surreal. Anyone else have there's yet?

Congrats Jilaweez!!!!!!!!! :biggringi You have been around a while and worked very hard. Enjoy the moment! By the way, I am finishing my first semester and I am still excited to be in Nursing School! Take care!

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