My son is 8 years old. He had a well-child check up Friday. NP said he's due for varrivax booster and they also recommend Hep A. I had never heard of Hep A for kids. She said that it's not a new vaccination, but they've only been giving it to kids for about a month. Ok, I'll think about it. She says thats fine, she'll give me the paper work.
In walks nurse/med assistant (not sure title). She's giong to do finger poke and what I think is varivax. She was very rude from the very beginning of the appointment. Anyhow, she just grabs his finger and pokes, doesnt even give a chance to explain this to my son are ask him if he's ready. Poke! Just does it. I know he's 8 and won't say he ready, but come on a little warning would have been nice for both of us. Then she asks him where he wants his shot. "Will you hold still like a big boy and take it in the arm like the big boys do, or do we have to use your leg like the babies" I interrupted her and said that the leg would be better because the muscle is bigger and it won't be as tender afterward. So I get him ready and as I'm distracting him she pops in the shot, again no warning to either one of us. I did not see her give the shot, but then I see her put 2 bandaids on, one on each leg. Ok, whats going on. I ask her to give me a copy of what she just gave him. Sure as heck, she gave him the Hep A also. I brought this to her attention and she says, well she wrote for me to give both, I gave you the sheets, and there's really no harm. Sorry. Then walks away. I told the receptionist Sorry just isnt' good enough. I then talk to the NP who says she did not order for the Hep A only the varrivax, but that on the education she circled both varrivax and Hep A so I could look at the info. The person who gave the shot comes back over and says, well I can't take it back, and it's actually a good thing.
Yes, maybe this is a little mistake and no harm was done. But she didn't even own her mistake. She wouldn't have told anyone if I wouldn't have brought it up. I was told to call the office manager on Monday to speak to them. All I want is just an acknowledgement that it was a mistake. This lady was in a big rush since the beginning of his appt. And quite rude for being in peds office. What if it would have been something else.
I am not overreacting, am I? Now, he has a huge (larger than 50 cent piece red swollen area that is slightly warm on one leg. I don't even know which one went into which leg. I'm sure thats normal.
Thanks for listening to my vent.