Published Oct 1, 2006
10 Posts
My son is 8 years old. He had a well-child check up Friday. NP said he's due for varrivax booster and they also recommend Hep A. I had never heard of Hep A for kids. She said that it's not a new vaccination, but they've only been giving it to kids for about a month. Ok, I'll think about it. She says thats fine, she'll give me the paper work.
In walks nurse/med assistant (not sure title). She's giong to do finger poke and what I think is varivax. She was very rude from the very beginning of the appointment. Anyhow, she just grabs his finger and pokes, doesnt even give a chance to explain this to my son are ask him if he's ready. Poke! Just does it. I know he's 8 and won't say he ready, but come on a little warning would have been nice for both of us. Then she asks him where he wants his shot. "Will you hold still like a big boy and take it in the arm like the big boys do, or do we have to use your leg like the babies" I interrupted her and said that the leg would be better because the muscle is bigger and it won't be as tender afterward. So I get him ready and as I'm distracting him she pops in the shot, again no warning to either one of us. I did not see her give the shot, but then I see her put 2 bandaids on, one on each leg. Ok, whats going on. I ask her to give me a copy of what she just gave him. Sure as heck, she gave him the Hep A also. I brought this to her attention and she says, well she wrote for me to give both, I gave you the sheets, and there's really no harm. Sorry. Then walks away. I told the receptionist Sorry just isnt' good enough. I then talk to the NP who says she did not order for the Hep A only the varrivax, but that on the education she circled both varrivax and Hep A so I could look at the info. The person who gave the shot comes back over and says, well I can't take it back, and it's actually a good thing.
Yes, maybe this is a little mistake and no harm was done. But she didn't even own her mistake. She wouldn't have told anyone if I wouldn't have brought it up. I was told to call the office manager on Monday to speak to them. All I want is just an acknowledgement that it was a mistake. This lady was in a big rush since the beginning of his appt. And quite rude for being in peds office. What if it would have been something else.
I am not overreacting, am I? Now, he has a huge (larger than 50 cent piece red swollen area that is slightly warm on one leg. I don't even know which one went into which leg. I'm sure thats normal.
Thanks for listening to my vent.
513 Posts
I would have been very upset (I have a 9 yr. old) that I wasn't fully informed about any medication/vaccination that my child was going to recieve BEFORE he recieved it. I would certainly tell the office you would like follow up with this, with the appropriate person. Even if it was a vaccination you were familiar with, and knew all about, you certainly didn't agree to it! The lady who worked with your son sounds like a miserable person to be working with children. There is no excuse for her behavior.
Let us know what happens.
276 Posts
Sounds like you are UNDER upset to me. If I had a child and someone did something to them not only without my consent but when they had specifically discussed it and you clearly said you wanted to think about it before the child got it . . . . OOOHH. I would be beyond pissed. The nurse did not read the orders and doesn't sound like she had a very good bedside manner either. Bed side manners - that's personality and not somethng that can really be regulated - but she broke every rule in the book by giving medication that wasn't consented to and wasn't ordered.
555 Posts
Just my opinion...I would insist on talking with the head honcho ASAP. This med error could have turned out to be a very serious situation for your son. What if he had a previous serious reaction to former vaccinations? Did she ask you that? I know that when I take my kids in for these types of booster shots, I'm always asked that. And, I must sign a CONSENT form in order for them to give the vaccination. I would be extremely PO'd at this situation. I understand that accidents happen, but from your description of the situation, the person who administered the shot was very rude and should have taken the time to explain what was going on and should have asked you if you had any questions. This would have clarified the need for the vaccincation in the first place.
marilynmom, LPN, NP
2,155 Posts
OMG I would be beyond pissed off!
What if your son had a reaction? What if you were religiously or phil. or medically opposed to a certain/all vax for some reason?! This is still america, we do have rights on what is put into our or our childrens bodies ya know?!
That is just so wrong on all accounts. You can't just go injecting meds/vaxs into people without ASKING. I can't believe the way (well ya really I can) they are acting like this is no big deal and "actually a good thing". Vax/Meds are not a "good thing" for all people, nor do all people want it.
OMG I would be beyond pissed off! What if your son had a reaction? What if you were religiously or phil. or medically opposed to a certain/all vax for some reason?! This is still america, we do have rights on what is put into our or our childrens bodies ya know?!That is just so wrong on all accounts. You can't just go injecting meds/vaxs into people without ASKING. I can't believe the way (well ya really I can) they are acting like this is no big deal and "actually a good thing". Vax/Meds are not a "good thing" for all people, nor do all people want it.
Good point Marilynmom, not all people agree to vaccinations due to religious/phil/medcal reasons.
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
She came in with a attitude ,she would have left with a bigger one...I would have stopped her right there .... :nono:NO WAY in H*LL would she touch my child and take out her pinned up frustrations during an injection. Get her name and title her and dont stop until you get the results you feel are needed to make sure this does not happen again. If she has this type of attitude and she was so loosy-goosy with your child, imagine how many kids she has done this to. I am not normally a mean person.. aggressive yes..mean but when it comes to my kids I am the red-headed demon from H*LL , horns and this is a unacceptable event and I would be for shaking things up at that office... Sorry for being so verbally aggressive but this non-sense really makes me mad.....
:smiley_ab :smiley_ab :smiley_ab Yes..........I agree!
labcat01, BSN, RN
629 Posts
Holy crap! What if your son had been allergic to eggs or something else where the vaccine was contraindicated. I would have been BEYOND pissed off.
What happened to your son was a medication error and if I were you I could call the office and ask them for a copy of the incident report (I'm betting they probably didn't do one). Nothing may come of it but at least you would at least give them a pretty good scare :)
366 Posts
if i had a kid i would be very mad. what about giving consent? it sure doesn't sound like you gave it to the NP for the hep a vaccation because you said that you would think about it and the NP just gave it to your child with out you saying yes. I'm just wondering if I'm out of line saying that or not
I agree too
133 Posts
txspadequeen921]She came in with a attitude ,she would have left with a bigger one...I would have stopped her right there .... :nono:NO WAY in H*LL would she touch my child and take out her pinned up frustrations during an injection. Get her name and title her and dont stop until you get the results you feel are needed to make sure this does not happen again. If she has this type of attitude and she was so loosy-goosy with your child, imagine how many kids she has done this to. I am not normally a mean person.. aggressive yes..mean but when it comes to my kids I am the red-headed demon from H*LL , horns and this is a unacceptable event and I would be for shaking things up at that office... Sorry for being so verbally aggressive but this non-sense really makes me mad.....
:yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat::yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: I completely agree. That is a HUGE NO,NO!!!!! :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:
Protect your child with all your might!