Online or campus education

Nurses General Nursing


I graduated with my ADN. Now I want to further my education and go into a bachelor's program. I started to look into online programs, to be specific University of Phoenix. I have been discouraged by some people including my best friend. They tell me this would not be equivalent to say going to UCLA. I would love to be able to not do it online, but it's more convenient at this point in my life. The closest school to me is about an hour away without traffic. Online would be perfect because I want to be able to work and still have a family. My question is would it hurt me in my future to have a bachelors's and possibly later a master's degree from an online school.:uhoh3:

I hate online classes, I feel like I learn more on campus. But my nursing school doesnt offer a BSN degree on that campus ((it's a diploma program..ugh)). However, they have come together with other local universities to get a BSN online...and that's the only way it can be done.

Specializes in Legal, Ortho, Rehab.

I chatted up a Univ. of Phoenix rep the other night online, and was disappointed with her responses (or lack of). She skirted around all of my questions, and even ignored some. She did ask a lot of questions which annoyed me, because everything was one-sided. At the end of her asking very basic questions (are you a citizen, military, etc) she told me I would be a great candidate for the program. Oh really???!!!

When I finally did get an email from an admissions person she started her email with, "It's great to speak with you again!" Problem is...we never spoke before! I felt like a cash cow, and at $450/credit, I'll pass. Trust me, do your homework!

I would not go to any for profit school, especially U of Phoenix. There are a lot of good arguments out there for why these kinds of schools should be avoided.

Personally, I like campus education better. I am a visual person and when something is not clear to me I can ask the instructor right away, I don't have to wait for them to send me emails, even emails can be confusing sometimes or ignored. I also feel that I will get more work done when I am under pressure; and less work done when I have to do things in my own time. I also feel more motivated to study when I see people around me and I also find studying in groups helpful. I personally think there is more to learn and absorb when you go to class. I have taken online classes before and it was horrible; and yes I got A's but still it wasn't a big accomplishment because I did not learn much. All I have to say is that it depends on what type of student you are, if you feel that you can teach yourself go ahead and take online classes, but if you are visual or like to take notes take campus classes.

Specializes in Tele, ICU, ED, Nurse Instructor,.

This is just my opinion. Alot of people choose to go to these for profit university because they dont want to take the GRE. These school dont require it. You are going to pay for not taking it. I dont want to take the GRE either but I may have to because the school I received my RN-BSN from I would love to go back there for my MSN. But they dont have an online program for MSN. I have to go up to school maybe 2 days/nights a week. I would think it is worth it. I have learned alot by online programs because you have to read and study to pass. To each its own. I believe also making the decision that is better for me and mines. You would have to do a lot of research.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Graduated with my MSN-Education focus from Walden University.

They are accredited by the CCNE. Online was the ONLY way I could accomplish this goal. It wasn't easy and I matched my courses up with the brick and mortar school in town (that doesn't offer online coursework and states that you 'should' only work 20 hours per week during graduate school-who is paying my bills?!) and they compared quite nicely.

Don't rule out every online school-my experience was just what I expected and the professors were outstanding (all doctorate-prepared).

Just my 2 cents.

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