Published Sep 12, 2006
18 Posts
I was wondering what you guys think about online applications. Is it worth it or should I stop wasting my time and do it the old fashioned way of pen and paper. I have put in 5 online applications and have not heard anything back yet except that they got the application. I'm a new grad with no experience and have not had a job in forever. Am I going about this all wrong? Also, I was wondering what I should expect out of a first interview?
2,228 Posts
Have you called back and said to the recruiter, I applied on august 1 for a med surg position and I was wondering what the status of my application is?
I would call and ask, talk to the person, if you get voice mail have them call you back and ask in person.
I think one needs to be proactive and let them know you are really interested in the position. You may get some useful information one way or the other.
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
I don't see anything wrong with online applications. That's how I got my first 2 nursing positions. Definately call the nurse recruiter if they haven't called you. Mine called me on a Saturday evening an hour after I applied.
198 Posts
I believe that online applications are great but still need to be followed up on. At both the local hospitals in this area they only take applications online but you can take a resume to the HR department and they look at those first when interviewing applicants. Also if you have a phone# for the place you applied online for I would call and speak to them incase something went wrong and they did not recieve it. Some of the places I called request a copy of my license to be brought in so they can have it on file. This is what I personally always do but I am still searching for a job also.
My resume was also given online
48 Posts
I am a recently licensed LPN with no previous nursing experience, and I was just hired in a clinic after applying online.
I had applied for 5 different clinic jobs through the same hospital system, and their HR department was VERY diligent in helping me get interviews. I was very pleased with the whole experience, and would recommend following up with the HR person for the facility you are applying to. Good luck!
104 Posts
I was called 2 days after applying for position online. I was a little leary about it at first, but it worked out good. I just really like applying in person better. I was told that our local hospitals are going to online apps to give everyone a fair chance a getting an interview and to try and cut out the "it's not what ya know, but WHO ya know" way of getting a job. I never had luck landing a good job because of that. It seemed like everyone I know that had a good job (most were not in nursing), got it because they knew the right person, not because they were the most qualified. That is one reason why I decided to become a nurse, because I knew that I would have more of a chance landing a position based on qualifications, not politics, even though I know it still exists in nursing too. Anyway, that's my .
Thanks to everyone who replied.:thankya: I did receive a call from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics this morning. This was my first pick hospital that I had applied to. It's just a phone interview on the 19th but, I feel like nothing can ruin my day considering I have been dreaming of working there ever since I started nursing school. I'm not going to get my hopes up but, this is my dream job for sure!!!! Wish me luck because I want to work there more than anything in the world. :wink2:
Antikigirl, ASN, RN
2,595 Posts
What I did was to send the online app in, but then mailed my resume with a nice cover sheet. That worked for me! We had a spot for comments if we wanted and I said to please see my resume for a complete and detailed list of my work history, references, volunteer experience, CME and such! That got them looking for my resume! :)