Published Jun 23, 2006
23 Posts
I kept my lil NCLEX appt a secret for a reason, now Im glad I did. I just got home from taking it and I need to smile sooo bad. I honestly feel like someone has died. I dont think studying anymore would of cut it. Now Im counting my "45" days and wondering how will I ever pass this test. Blue screen of death came to get me at 75 questions. I think this exact test came to get me for a reason. I was destined to fail at #1. I had like seriously 7-10 select all that apply. I guessed at the whole test! Im so sadddddddd. Now I have to wait 4 days just to see that I have to pay another 200 dollars and wait patiently!!! Sorry for whining~I just dont know what to do with myself now.
112 Posts
i kept my lil nclex appt a secret for a reason, now im glad i did. i just got home from taking it and i need to smile sooo bad. i honestly feel like someone has died. i dont think studying anymore would of cut it. now im counting my "45" days and wondering how will i ever pass this test. blue screen of death came to get me at 75 questions. i think this exact test came to get me for a reason. i was destined to fail at #1. i had like seriously 7-10 select all that apply. i guessed at the whole test! im so sadddddddd. now i have to wait 4 days just to see that i have to pay another 200 dollars and wait patiently!!! sorry for whining~i just dont know what to do with myself now.
please keep your head up....think postive! i felt the same exact way. i had 12 select all apply...not kidding! not only that, i had 3 of them back to back. i got medications i had never heard of, dz's, i didn't know existed, and honestly, when the computer shut down at 75, i was sure i had failed,cried for 2 days straight. in fact, i told my loved ones i had failed. it seems i was guessing through the whole thing...i was angry, thinking what the hell do these people expect of me!...but you know what, i passed! got my results trust me, you sound just like me. try to keep busy, (easier said then done, i know) but it sounds like you might have passed.
28 Posts
Don't feel so bad...I also took the NCLEX-Pn yesterday and walked out of the test center simply in SHOCK!!! "WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT"...kept running through my head the entire drive home. It stopped on 85 questions and I don't know which was more BLUE~~ the screen or !!!
Here in Texas we have quick results, BUT not qiuck enough for me.
I hope we both hear some really GREAT NEWS~~ and SOON !!!
Awww Thank you guys. For some reason I just refuse to believe i passed~I tend to like to drive myself nutz! im really trying to stay busy but as u know, I am following all stages of a lethal prognosis. Denial, anger, depression~havent hit the rest yet, but thanx for the vote of confidence!
464 Posts
funny how the test makes 99% of people feel the exact same way!!! Keep your head high!!!!
Is it normal to look up the questions you remember and realize u got them all wrong?
yes! well I am not cqlling myself normal but I did pass and I freaked out cause I got the last question wrong....and was sure I had failed.....LOL I hope it was normal! LOL:P
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Yep. People always seem to do that. Try to resist the urge. Remember that the NCLEX is set up so that both passers and failers tend to get 50% right and 50% wrong. In other words, you probably missed a good number of questions even if you passed. Also, you're less likely to remember all of the questions you nailed because you just sailed through them. The key is whether you're missing easy questions or complex ones. The whole exam can seriously mess with your head if you let it. Good luck on your results!
4 Posts
I took my NCLEX-PN on June 20, 2006 and two days later I found out I didn't pass. I am so devistated. I went with 3 other girls from my class and only one of the four of us passed. I was so mad because just as soon as I got done there was a power failure and one of my friends was in the middle of taking hers when the power went out. Does that have something to do why we didnt pass. Did something get mixed up we will never know I guess. Now I have to wait 30 days until they send me my letter telling me what a failure I am and THEY decide whether I can retake it in 45 or 90 days. But I get to pay another 235.00 to take it again. I cant believe the questions that they had in mine. Alot of them we didnt even go over. I studied for weeks and didnt do any good. I had 5 question on levitra. Oh well just want to let you know that you are not alone. If you would like to chat about it please feel free to message me.
Take Care and good luck on the next one.
72 Posts
All hope is not lost. It sounds like I had a very similar test. I had 10-11 check all of the apply and felt like hurling. But I did pass!!!
You know what I felt the same way almost 10 yrs ago when I took my NCLEX-PN. I shut off at 95 and I just knew that I failed. Went hope and went through my NCLEX and text books trying to find answers. I just figured oh well, better luck next time..but when I called I passed. We all go through this. It's an emotional rollercoaster. I am about to go through it again. I am scheduled for my NCLEX-RN next month and I am flipping out already so you are definetly not alone. Stay positive...and if things don't turn out the way you want them to ( and I am sure they will) just say better luck next time. Take care...and good luck;)
Does any one know if Pearson Vue post results on Saturday? And is it posted the exact time of your exam...I meant exactly 48 hours later?