Published Mar 25, 2008
I just wanted to throw this out to the group to get an idea of what ya'll thought was the hardest pre-req and why? I have seen some say Micro, some Chem, Some AP.
Let me know your thoughts?
Nurse Allison
56 Posts
It's Micro for me. I loved A&P I and II. I'm enjoying Micro lab but the lecture's killing me. His tests are ridiculous. Hoping things get better.:nuke:
102 Posts
Chem was boring... just boring
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
I loved A&P and Chem, and fortunately did well in them.
I hated Micro. A bunch of blah blah blah and skills to remember in lab and more blah blah blah. I burned the heck out of my thumb in one lab and still never got interested in it.
303 Posts
For me the hardest classes to far has been Chemistry. I just cant rap my brain around it, I look the class twice, the last time was Fall 07, I would lose sleep at night dealing with this class. But praise God I passed, although as hard as I work I wish I made higher then a C, oh well. A&P 1 and 2 are hard, only because you have to memorize so much, but I see now that when you pull the concepts together things make a lot more sense!! I took A&P 1 Summer 07 and OMG, I dont know how the heck I pulled of a C, AND I took Stats at the same time and pulled off a C as well. I am currently taking Physiology (A&P 2) and my teacher is HARD, but really cares so it makes the class possible, just so CHALLENGING!!! This summer I take Micro which is my LAST pre-req, and I can enter Nursing school and be a full time student!!!
275 Posts
Micro, definatly micro. I can't stand it.
175 Posts
LOVED chem (had 105 avg!), really enjoyed A&P I and II but worked hard... Micro is a toughie this semester, because the professor is not that good, and I'm getting a bit burned out having taken 7 prereqs in the past 10 months... enthusiasm isn't there to sit for hours memorizing and memorizing and memorizing all those species of bacteria and their characteristics...
thank goodness after this one is done, I can relax until Jan 09 when my nursing classes begin!!
349 Posts
A&P....never studied so much in my life!
21 Posts
im taking inorganic chem and It is kicking my just tying to get a C out of it.... its so hard because of my math skills..... but i have 8 more weeks to get through this!
362 Posts
Chem and Organic Chem/Bio Chem are in battle for worst place. I am not yet sure which because I haven't finished the o chem. Chem was terrible because I hadn't had a chem class in 20+ years and I didn't bother with the intro chem, just went to intermediate chem in summer school. Big mistake! As someone else mentioned - it forced tears out of me. I cried nearly everyday out of sheer frustration and had chemistry nightmares. I couldn't understand (teacher did not have English as first language and her accent was distracting to say the least) and some difficult things happened in our family, and it was too late to drop. I was a mess. Then I got sick and had a fever and GI bug for the final. It defiled my 4.0!
O chem has been bad, but different. At least it is not a summer course so I have time to absorb. The instructor is not great in class, but he is super helpful in office hours. Its hard because it is so removed from my everyday life, but it builds on itself and is logical. In the end I will probably say general Chem was the hardest for me.
Loved A, P and Micro, though they were challenging, they were fascinating. I had great instructors. That makes ALL the difference. None of the other prereqs or GEs have been a big deal.
144 Posts
for me i would have to say microbiology is the hardest. i'm taking it right now during spring semester and having a really hard time with it. and i would have to say that a&p1 & a&p2 come in as a tie for the second hardest.