due dates

Specialties Ob/Gyn


What's new in calculating due dates? We used to count back three months and add seven days. I bet things are more sophisticated now. Possible a web site? Just plug in first day of last period and it gives you a date.:)

we still use the back 3 months plus 7 days where I work


Try http://www.epregnancy.com

I believe http://www.webmd.com also has calculators by LMP and also by date of ovulation (for those who are tracking that as well).

I used the old 3 months back plus one week when I got pregnant .... called everyone and told them the due date. My then hubby asked if I wasn't getting a bit too specific. Well, as it turns out, my son WAS born on that date (his due date). :chuckle

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

i use a wheel. that way, i don't have to mess with naegle's rule or anything. it's the easier way to go. if no wheel is handy, try the websites above.

We were just taught the good ole back 3 mos add 7 d....


Specializes in OB.

I just use the wheel. And I'm always the first to remind women it's an ESTIMATED date! How many times have we seen girls show up in OB stating "But I have to be in labor - it's my due date" :)

Specializes in Neonatal.

I have just finished my OB lecture and clinicals...so I am familiar with the due date calculations......they taught us Naegle Rule "count back three months and add seven days" method. Even on the NLN I just took yesterday...a question on there was how to calculate (with a wheel) a due date. And of course the method worked...I am not sure if they have a website....yet!


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