NYU ABSN Fall 2013 Entry

U.S.A. New York


Hello everyone! I have submitted my application and my transcripts to NYU for the ABSN program beginning in fall 2013! I am very excited but surprised that we will be hearing so late about an admission decision. Is anyone else applying?

Well I can only speak for myself but I think I would need a ton more volunteer experience and that would take a while. I haven't had a chance to volunteer anywhere because I've spent many years working on my bachelor's, working part-time, and caring for my mother. My mom needs a ton of care, she can't really do anything herself at all, and insurance will only cover so much home care so it wasn't really possible to cram extracurriculars and volunteer work in there. So I think I would need at least a year of volunteering in a hospital setting- maybe more- to show the admissions committee that I am aware of what nursing entails and am truly dedicated to pursuing that.

Also, since my GPA is kind of up and down they would probably want to see me consistently do well in school over a period of time to show that I am a dedicated student and deserve to be there. That would also take a while. So I can see how the "wait a year" thing might be at least a soft policy if not an official one.

I'm just guessing though. As soon as I hear back from them, and if I get rejected, I'll definitely reach out to admissions to see what I can do. I'm so desperate to get in because I was so impressed with how the staff at NYU-Langone went above and beyond to assist me and my mom when she was a patient there. I feel like I could learn a ton from the people there since their facilities are run so well.

I am just discovering this blog. I am also waiting to hear from NYU and as of today, nothing yet for me. Keeping my hopes up! Congrats to all who have been accepted and good luck to those still waiting!

Nope. I am so grateful that they only seem to send out notifications on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I would hate to go through this angst five days a week.

Nope. I am so grateful that they only seem to send out notifications on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I would hate to go through this angst five days a week.

I cannot agree more! Heard nothing today. Still waiting! For the applicants still waiting to hear back, when did you all send in all your application materials?

I cannot agree more! Heard nothing today. Still waiting! For the applicants still waiting to hear back, when did you all send in all your application materials?

All of my application materials were in by the end of February.

I completed all my application by end og january

Nothing for me either... This waiting game is so tough. It's hard to make plans for what comes next if we have to wait so long to hear back from NYU. If I don't get in, I've got things to reconsider about my current job, and I likely won't take Microbiology over the summer as I had originally planned, since there will be no need to rush fulfilling that final requirement, but I have to sign up for it anyway since the admissions decisions are taking so long, and classes will start before June 1st...

I've reached a point where I'm starting to see NYU in a very negative light, which is calling into question whether or not I would even want to go there- cost is so extremely high, they seem to be extremely disorganized with regard to admissions, financial aid, and information after you've accepted their offer... Maybe it's just me trying to help myself justify if I don't get in, but this whole process is extremely disheartening.

Nothing for me either... This waiting game is so tough. It's hard to make plans for what comes next if we have to wait so long to hear back from NYU. If I don't get in, I've got things to reconsider about my current job, and I likely won't take Microbiology over the summer as I had originally planned, since there will be no need to rush fulfilling that final requirement, but I have to sign up for it anyway since the admissions decisions are taking so long, and classes will start before June 1st...

I've reached a point where I'm starting to see NYU in a very negative light, which is calling into question whether or not I would even want to go there- cost is so extremely high, they seem to be extremely disorganized with regard to admissions, financial aid, and information after you've accepted their offer... Maybe it's just me trying to help myself justify if I don't get in, but this whole process is extremely disheartening.

I think you ought to realize that NYU is very different from other programs in how they chose to admit certain applicants. When I talked with someone at admission, she said it took 6-8 weeks,which means they look through everything. I had all of my important materials in long before the deadline, but if they are going to take their time to weigh the pros and cons then let them. I know they didn't receive my recommendation letter so when I called on Monday, they were still allowing me to have my instructors and supervisor send them in. Which is quite different from other schools when it comes to the concept of "deadline means deadline". Sure the sticker price is ridiculous, but i honestly would rather go to NYU than a unheard of school. I went to a school that not many people know of, and it hurts your chances of getting into jobs and research opportunities. My clinical instructor went to Pace, and she said the work and the rigor of her program allowed her to get into Columbia for their NP program.

We're all waiting :) keep your chin up

I got my acceptance letter today. Yeahh!! Best of luck to all who are waiting!

Hello all! I just wanted to ask a question. On the check off list in the Albert login, is your recommendation letter supposed to show?

I don't think there is a box for recommendation letter as it is not required. I don't have the box and have been told that all of my documents are complete including my two rec letters.

Congrats to all the new admits!

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