NYC average RN Salary

U.S.A. New York


Hey guys, what is the usual pay rate for a NYC RN? I have about 4 yrs experience and would like to compare the rates with San Francisco!

Stanford is paying around 50/hour and the housing seems to be about the same overly outrageous prices. I am curious how much the major large hospitals (I love teaching hospitals) are paying in Manhattan?


caffeineRx said:
Absolutely. I agree. It practically feels like BEANS to me. $70k in NYC is like $30k my opinion. I know that that's not completely accurate..but living here, I can tell that's what it feels like. Most people strive to make 100k+ here @ the least.

Well, try buying a house, condo or co-op on 70K a year here in NYC, and see where that gets you, especially now that banks et al are cracking down on lending.

OTHO, if one lives in a "cheap" rent controlled or stablised apartment, and or commutes from say NJ, Westchester or points north of NYC (know a few LH nurses who do this), 70K could be doable. Barely, but doable. Not allot of frills, or fancy things, but there is so much one can do in NYC for "free" that could make up for it.

Yes, and it's pretty disheartening to think that most employers, in NYC, are starting off Registered Nurses @ around 55-68k a year. I have seen "others" come to this column with their mouths watering....if only they knew.

caffeineRx said:
Yes, and it's pretty disheartening to think that most employers, in NYC, are starting off Registered Nurses @ around 55-68k a year. I have seen "others" come to this column with their mouths watering....if only they knew.

One can remember looking at the employment section of the Sunday New York Times, back in the 1980's and early 1980's (there was a rea employment section then, not like the three pages tacked onto the "Business" section today), seeing several pages of help wanted adverts for RNs. Starting wages for GNs was about 18K to 19K, seasoned RNs up to about 35K or so (more for nights, evenings and weekends), but that pretty much was about it. Even after about thirty or so years, one retired earning about 50K (if that), which meant a pretty skimpy pension.

So adjusted for inflation 55-68k sounds about "right", but when one considers that other college grads in NYC will double if not triple their earnings in ten or so years, topping out at 80k or so for an experineced RN just doesn't cut it, IMHO.

Most every hospital in the city and perhaps state has the same problem; finding nurses willing to stay and work at wages they can "afford" to pay. Since nursing service is just that, it is treated almost like housekeeping and everything else a hospital runs but does not directly generate income. Most of my RN friends do lots of travel work (or at least they did, *LOL*) as it paid more than working for a NYC hospital. Heck, even doing floating or agency work often paid or pays more than being hired by a NYC hospital directly.

caffeineRx said:
Yes, and it's pretty disheartening to think that most employers, in NYC, are starting off Registered Nurses @ around 55-68k a year. I have seen "others" come to this column with their mouths watering....if only they knew.

Really? Most of my friends that have started working at hospitals in Jan are making at least 70K and I'm talking about new grads. NYP, Mount Sinai, Methodist and Brooklyn Hospital at least are starting off in the 70's with no experience. I thought only city owned hospitals started in the 60's

I agree. As someone who will be soon seeking a new grad job, I'm perfectly content with starting at 70k. Everyone has a different lifestyle, but I disagree that earning 70k a year is "barely doable" in NYC. If you're looking to support a family or are used to a very high standard of living I understand, but for people living on their own or with a significant other or roommates, I think its adequate. Many of my friends living in NY and Brooklyn work in jobs that pay between 35-50k a year and while they aren't living friviously, they're certainly not just scraping by.

I just felt the need to put that out there. As someone who is not originally from NY but has lived here for years, I am constantly questioned about how I'm able to manage it here from people at home. Is it expensive? Absolutely, but all things considered I can't imagine living anywhere else.

I don't get why people think you CAN'T live in NYC without making 100K a year (which you can make easily if you do overtime btw, my dad has done it 3 years in a row with a base salary of about 60K. He works in a hospital). If you don't have any debt and are responsible, 70K is just fine to live off of. And if you have a significant other, you can easily bring in an income of over 100K so I don't see the problem. Can you buy a house? Maybe not. Can you live in Manhattan? Maybe not either but there are plenty of nice neighborhoods in the city that you can afford to live in for a 70K salary. When I graduate I will practically have no debt since I'll be living with my parents until I graduate, so I do expect to live fine off of my salary. Maybe it's just my lifestyle and the fact that I don't ever plan on having a car but I think I'll be alright.

Nursing is something I really want to do, so the pay isn't really something I have an opinion on. The way I always look at it is that if teachers can put up with the crap they do, then I shouldn't have a problem doing it either. As long as I have enough to have my own apartment, then I'm getting paid enough. If I wanted to make a lot of money, I'd become an accountant like my sister and call it a day.

Specializes in GI/GU surg,Pacu, ct surg, home care, NH.

There are hospitals that start new grads off at $74,000 plus $5,000-$6,000 for night shift as well as up to $1,500 for your BSN. So a new grad can easily make $80,000 annually. Then get about a $1,000 a yr in experience differential as well as annual 3% raises if employed at a union hospital such as NYP or Sinai. Get a nursing certification and you can add up $1,500-$2,200 a yr in cert pay.

This salary is definitely doable it all depends on your standard of living and how you choose to spend your money. You can get a decent size and priced apt in the outer boroughs and live just fine. Considering you will work 3 12hr shifts a week you can easily pick up OT hrs if need be.

NYC is expensive if you let it be. You do not need to live in a nice condo in manhattan. You do not need to take a cab every where. You can cook sometime instead of getting take out. And you can shop for designer clothes at bargain places such as TJ maxx, Filenes basement, Loehmanns, or Marshalls, or just hit the sales rack at your favorite department store.

My point is that a starting salary of $74,000 is not bad. We make pretty decent money compared to other straight out of college degrees. And we usually get pretty decent benefits in regards to health care, paid time off as well as tuition reimbursement.

There are people who live off of less money with far fewer benefits . Count your blessings that you can even find a job.

Paco386 said:
I heard a rumor that Lenox Hill is closing though, is that true?

actually, i heard that NYU plans to buy them ....

I agree with you guiltysins.

Specializes in Urology/Telemetry, Ortho.

Getmethisnownurse, I dont know where you are from, but you can demand a good paying salary with the experience you have. Research, paystubs, and all

Bklynbaby is right on it with the salary amounts for new grads. Just make sure you know patient ratios and if the hospital is unionized because I've heard horrible horror stories from colleagues who worked at other places. 6-8 is doable. 10+ patients is NOT even worth it.

If one is single in NYC, VERY easy to live off this salary. See bklynbaby's post. Words right out of my mouth and way of thinking straight from my head ? It's about money management. I've stocked away quite a bit already and I go out all the time. It's doable.

caffeineRx said:
Heck, I can live off of 30k in NYC AND have fun. But I'm a rare individual who is SUPER good with my money. Yes, 70k is fine in this economy...but I'm not fooled by the numbers. I don't think it is enough for the h*ll that nurses go through.

New grads can get into banking and start off at 100-150k. I know because I have worked for these people. They are stressed, but NO where near the way nurses are stressed. Luckily I didn't get in this field to "get rich". I'm really passionate about it.

I definetely agree that it's not the right pay for the kind of job but to say that it's not enough to live in NYC is just inaccurate. Nurses everywhere are underpaid but I think 70K is fine for the city. My sister lives upstate in Utica, NY where they make about 45-50K. And that's just fine because you can get a gorgeous 3 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment for about 900-1100 bucks.

The profession alone is underpaid, not specifically the city. But like I said, if teacher's can do it everyday (even though they get great schedules) I think I'll be okay with it.

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