Nutrition class advice-please!!


Ok everyone just trying to get prepared for what my scheadule is going to be for winter. In order to get the other half of my loan I need to take 6 credits. I will be taking A&P 2, and I was thinking although not required for my Nursing Program but they offer Nutrition online. I feel like going 3 nights is becoming too much for myself and children. Seemed easier when I went to school in spring and summer, but now kids back in school I just feel I am missing alot. How bad is nutrition. People tell me it's hard. Why is it hard, can I take that with A&P. Please let me know. I have to take Lifespan Dev. also, but I think I will just wait until spring semester. Thanks for advice.

Nutrition is a hard course. It can get very scientific. I had to take it as part of the LPN course. I do not understand why it it not required in RN programs. It was difficult, but I think that as a nurse you should have a good understanding of nutrition to be able teach your patients proper nutrition. I would definitely recommend taking it.

Melanie, LPN

Specializes in Cardiac.

Nutrition was required for my NS also. If it isn't required and there are still classes left then I would get as many of my pre-reqs and co-reqs out of the way as I could.

Specializes in Maternity, quality.
Ok everyone just trying to get prepared for what my scheadule is going to be for winter. In order to get the other half of my loan I need to take 6 credits. I will be taking A&P 2, and I was thinking although not required for my Nursing Program but they offer Nutrition online. I feel like going 3 nights is becoming too much for myself and children. Seemed easier when I went to school in spring and summer, but now kids back in school I just feel I am missing alot. How bad is nutrition. People tell me it's hard. Why is it hard, can I take that with A&P. Please let me know. I have to take Lifespan Dev. also, but I think I will just wait until spring semester. Thanks for advice.

I took a nutrition class this summer and I didn't find it too difficult. I think part of it for me is that I'm very interested in the subject anyway, so it was something I really WANTED to learn. Even though it's not required for your nursing program I think it might be beneficial, so if you can fit it in you might want to fit it in. Good luck in whatever you decide!

I took a nutrition class this summer and I didn't find it too difficult. I think part of it for me is that I'm very interested in the subject anyway, so it was something I really WANTED to learn. Even though it's not required for your nursing program I think it might be beneficial, so if you can fit it in you might want to fit it in. Good luck in whatever you decide!

Well I am actually on an actual waiting list at one school, and for that school the only other pre-req I would have to finish are Life Span Dev, Pol. Science and now they are recomending that I take a introductory class in Pharmacology. The school that I am attending now because it is less expensive would require Nutrition, Microbiology and all my Pre-Req finished before I could even apply. So I guess me taking Nutrition would not be a waste of time because you also need it for your bachelors, and if I don't get in with the other school I will be one class shorter to accomplish at the school I am at now. Guess I was just doubting if I should take it with A&P, and online

Specializes in trauma/surg.

I took nutrition in class, but have taken MANY online classes. I think online would be okay for nutrition, and FINE to take with A&P. Nutrition is pretty cut and dry. Not a lot of interpretation on the part of the instructor. Go for it!

Specializes in Operating Room.

I know of one person who took A&P 1 and an online Nutrition class at the same time. He made A's in both.

Granted, different instructors will require different things, and the time needed to study will be different for different people, but I do think it is doable.

Is dev. pyschology required at both schools? (can't remember what you I took A&P 1 during the spring semester, then added an online dev. psychology class that was only 6 weeks long....made an A in both. Lost sleep, but made A's. LOL

Good luck, in whatever you decide!!! :)

I'm currently taking nutrition online along w/A&P 1 lec & lab, pharmacology, & medical terminology. I find that taking nutrition along w/A&P is helping me out since some of the stuff we're learning in both classes at the same time. It does help that my nutrition instructor puts notes & pictures as well as a study guides up for each chapter and we're able to email him whenever if we're not understanding something and he's real quick to respond back. So far i seem to be doing well...Between all my classes i have at least 1 test a day..sometimes more and i have a 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 year It might be hard but as long as you study you can do it!!!!

I took nutrition as an independent study class and found it to be pretty easy. Like dawn said, it's an ideal class to take online because it's straightforward.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I was going to advise not taking it unless you had the digestive system in A&P already. But then I read happychic's post.

For me Nutrition was a very easy course primarily because I'd studied the digestive system in A&P already. It was not required for my ADN but was for my RN to BSN.

Good luck!

Ok everyone just trying to get prepared for what my scheadule is going to be for winter. In order to get the other half of my loan I need to take 6 credits. I will be taking A&P 2, and I was thinking although not required for my Nursing Program but they offer Nutrition online. I feel like going 3 nights is becoming too much for myself and children. Seemed easier when I went to school in spring and summer, but now kids back in school I just feel I am missing alot. How bad is nutrition. People tell me it's hard. Why is it hard, can I take that with A&P. Please let me know. I have to take Lifespan Dev. also, but I think I will just wait until spring semester. Thanks for advice.

I need nutrition for the BSN, not required for ADN here in TX. If you want to go towards 4 year degree later you would have that one under your belt. It is my understanding that it is a very envolved class, demanding.

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