Updated: Feb 7, 2024 Published May 1, 2007
91 Posts
Have many of you seen this type of overdose in your area? A family thought it would be 'cool' to see what type of high they could get off of nutmeg, and ended up overdosing. The doctor has not seen it before and had to utilize the internet to learn more about it. I am curious about the long-term damage that may have been done to the user's heart...
neneRN, BSN, RN
642 Posts
I vaguely remember something about using nutmeg to get high from a lecture a police officer gave our ER last year on drug use...I think something about mixing it in orange juice...I just did a search on nutmeg overdose and all kinds of results popped up. Who thinks of these things?
76 Posts
as soon as you think you have heard just about every thing something like this comes up!!! i guess it just goes to show what people will do to try and get high. i am so scared for my 14 year old i talk to him every day about drugs and smoking. i just pray when it comes down to it he will remember what we talked about.
EDValerieRN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 178 Posts
Do you snort it? Because that would be nasty.
I wonder if it really works... I'm gonna go check and see if I have some nutmeg.
2,228 Posts
how much?
nutmeg is really good on eggnog, bread pudding, even in oatmeal
never heard of this
348 Posts
I like nutmeg- but not that much!
jill48, ASN, RN
612 Posts
Who was the first person to figure this out? No sane teenager would go looking through the spice rack for something to get high on. Had to be some grandma making zucchini bread. Weird.
198 Posts
I just read the article and it reminded of a time when my then 7 year old was having trouble sleeping and I made him a cup of "Sleepytime Tea" that I had bought at the grocery store.He was hallucinating after drinking one cup,it had never effected anybody else in the family.
115 Posts
Nutmeg, eh? Revisiting the wonder drugs from the 70's..actually nutmeg is used medicinally in some cultures, but not in high enough doses to get high. It takes like half a little tin box to do that, or the fresh stuff ground up. This was one of the early designer/hippie type mellow out kinda highs, ranks up there with mushrooms.
Many spices have medicinal properties-ginger is good for a tummy ache. Any spicy spice will have other effects in higher doses--heart racing, insomnia, higher body temps---it is a spice after all.
I was working on the renal floor about 3 years ago had a guy about 18 whose kidneys had completely shutdown due to nutmeg toxicity. He said he found it on the net as a medicinal remedy. His parents bought that as his reason for the large amount of nutmeg.
mom and nurse
513 Posts
Wow. Folks getting high on nutmeg.... Grandma would never have believed this. Or maybe grandma knew about it and didn't share it with the rest of us?
2,441 Posts
OMG! The next thing you know they'll start drug-testing for nutmeg and then I'll have to give up my daily Pumpkin Spice latte and my addiction to Ginger snaps, which still have a buttload of nutmeg in them.
Whatever happened to kids just kicking back and having a beer?
I'm kidding!!!! :)