Nursing video game?


Do any of you think it is possible to see the roles nurses and CNAs play in any healthcare setting as a video game? I'm not heavily into gaming, never have been, but for some reason I kind of began to see work as sort of like a game, specially after I began working in the hospital.

I thought it would be cool if the game could be situated in a med/surge setting, probably because that's where I've worked for almost a year now and it's all I know.

-Players can choose either day shift or night shift.

-The objective of the game is to finish all the tasks for the patients within the 12 hour period.

I thought it would be cool if players could begin as CNAs and then somehow increase their know and move up a level to CNA2, . . . then maybe into a nurse? (please don't beat me up!)

I thought that a game like this might help to give those thinking about going into nursing some idea of time management and see what really goes on in a healthcare setting. That being said I also would like for situations to be as realistic as possible and not glamourized as it is on T.V. So there would be a lot of mess, urine, blood, poop, the whole shebang! All while trying to give the best care to your patients. At the end of the game you have to give report to the next shift! ;D

I thought the title "MedSurg, The Race Against Time" would be an appropriate title to describe the scenario the game is depicting. Because toward the end of the shift it usually feels like you're racing against time to finish everything you are doing.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

Let's also have a School nurse expansion pack too, having kids come in like in Five Nights at Freddy's and jump scare you if you don't give them an ice pack or call their parents.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Moved to mobile apps

I used VSim for Nursing while i was in school. While not an actual video game, it is a simulation and feels like a game. Our DON presented it to us one afternoon in class, and after that i purchased it to practice at home. VSim simulates hospital environment, and grades the performace making sure we follow MD orders and do the right interventions for our patients. There is MedSurge, L& D, pediatrics, etc. My favorite simulation was one where i had to calculate drug doses for blood transfusion. In another simulation they simulate a code and have you perform CPR.

There's an Android app called FullCode but you have to pay for it :(

I am sort of thinking about this from a CNA perspective, so I think my job would be more easily translated into a video game.

That sounds cool. That's kind of like what I was getting at. Do you feel like you were able to sharpen your skills because of the game? Did it really help you learn more about your job as a nurse?

Specializes in Dialysis.

could add the dialysis expansion pack; the patient comes to the clinic 1 week after hospital discharge (well they did get dialyzed in the hospital every day!) at 10.2kg over EDW with 4+ edema all over, irregular heart beat, SOA and crackles present, wanting to run less than 1/2 regular tx, and get all the fluid off...and for all levels area of the game, there will be flames that pop up, and all staff levels (CNA or nurse) earns buckets of water to put them out:wacky:

There needs to be a villain who provides a constant barrage of "discouragements." If you perform something correctly, you earn a "discouragement."

You win if you keep everyone alive and simultaneously collect the highest number of discouragements. Prizes are gold stars, expired movie tickets and "a statue that looks like a real award" (as was described here several months ago).

Specializes in Ortho, CMSRN.

I really like this idea! Very creative! At work, we do our BLS and ACLS modules online and have to renew quarterly by doing compressions and breaths on a mannequin. I just finished the ACLS modules for the first time (it took FOREVER!) and luckily, passed the last two megacodes on the first try. They both died, but I did everything I could. There are multiple scenarios written in to the megacode simulation and I REALLY want to go back into them and try several of them, but unfortunately, once you do the modules, it doesn't show up again until time to renew the yearly aspect of it :( I would totally buy your game! Make sure and include some code scenarios as well!

I really like this idea! Very creative! At work, we do our BLS and ACLS modules online and have to renew quarterly by doing compressions and breaths on a mannequin. I just finished the ACLS modules for the first time (it took FOREVER!) and luckily, passed the last two megacodes on the first try. They both died, but I did everything I could. There are multiple scenarios written in to the megacode simulation and I REALLY want to go back into them and try several of them, but unfortunately, once you do the modules, it doesn't show up again until time to renew the yearly aspect of it :( I would totally buy your game! Make sure and include some code scenarios as well!

I also just finished something like this to renew my BLS certificate. Admittedly it is not very realistic to do CPR in a gaming setting. I think it mainly was helpful for remembering the steps to take during CPR but of course once you face having to do it in real life it's totally different. Which is probably what everyone else was implying in the comments.

I feel like you understand where I'm coming from with this though. And of course there will be codes!

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