Published Nov 11, 2015
48 Posts
I am a nursing student who will graduate in January 2016. I have been offered a job at a major hospital and it is my dream job. It is an internship for new grads and this opportunity will never be available to me again
problem: after graduation we have to go back for NCLEX review and Hesi exam for 4 days. This is not part of my grade. I have taken practice Hesi at school and scored highest in my class. Starting the same day I would start my new dream job. So far the school is not budging...saying if I don't go I won't be able to take my NCLEX.
i am beside myself that I may not be able to take this job. They are hiring a group of grad nurses to all start at the same time
advice please
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
Hi moved to AN's General Nursing Student forum as becoming common issue.
Since NCLEX review and HESI exit exam are required by nursing program, you may have completed clinical course work but have not completed ALL nursing program requirements. Therefore, school will not release your transcripts to BON for you to take NCLEX exam.
In most states, you cannot start nursing position without having a graduate nurse permit or in most cases passing NCLEX + having active license. Please check your states BON regs on this issue-- BON link found bottom every allnurses page.
546 Posts
It looks like you are between a rock and a hard place. The school won't budge so your best bet is trying to get the hospital to. I would get something from the school documenting the dates of the required classes and something about them being mandatory.
In an ideal world, the hospital should not fault you for this. Hopefully they will be willing to work around the dates.
Did you know about this when you interviewed for the job but didn't mention it? If you did and they have a way of finding that out, then they might not be as sympathetic to your cause.
Otherwise, discuss matter -of -factly (with documentation) what is going on then hope for the best. I think it's really all you can do.
Good luck :-). Let us know what happens.
I didn't actually interview yet but am pretty sure I will be offered the job. I don't know how to handle this
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
You didn't interview yet?
Unless you have an offer letter in hand, then at this point the dilemma is out of your hands-you don't even know if you have the position, nor if you will never get the chance to work at your dream job; how can you be sure you won't get a chance AFTER you pass your boards-something that I'm sure will be required for your internship as a newly graduated nurse.
At this point, your best bet is to take the HESI and be on your way in becoming a licensed nurse-door will continue to open when you have your license in hand.
cdsavannah59, CNA
244 Posts
Seems the only choice you can make is to do what school requires. I doubt the job will be offered to you if they know you failed to fulfill the requirements to become a nurse.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
Your post said you were offered the job. If you do, just explain the situation. I'm sure they have had this happen before. Cross that bridge when you get to it.
BeachsideRN, ASN
1,722 Posts
If you interview let them know. You likely won't be the only new grad from that school being interviewed or offered a position.
Now knowing you haven't interviewed, I reiterate my advice to be upfront and honest w/ them about your nursing school requirements. It will either work for them or it won't. It's that simple. If it doesn't, take heart. Something else good is bound to come along.
I am trying to be proactive. There is a 80% chance I will be offered this job and then I will have to figure this out. Why won't I get a chance at this job AFTER I pass my boards? Because this is a program for 12 graduate nurses. I won't be a graduate nurse after I pass my boards. Then I will be a BSN. A GN (graduate nurse) is one that has graduated from nursing school but not yet passed boards
I will not fail to meet the requirements of the school. I thought since my HESI score is already very high they might make an exception and allow me to miss this review course which is 1 month after graduating with my BSN