Published Mar 23, 2007
1 Article; 360 Posts
Do you see evidence of a nurse shortage where you currently work?
I just read that hawaii has a shortage.
Is there a shortage where you are at?
My point..I am wondering if the shortage is going to level off soon or Get WORSE!
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
The shortage isn't going to level off. First, there aren't enough seats for students and secondly, nursing has a high burn-out rate.
There's a shortage here, in NY.
36 Posts
Definate shortage here in Dublin!
Alot of Irish trained nurses travel to Australia as soon as they qualify
kstec, LPN
483 Posts
I repeatedly keep hearing of the nursing shortage but it's obviously RN's only. I know of quite a few LPN's who if given the opportunity would work in some of these hospitals that are so short, but for some reason we are not good enough. I am a new grad and I hear that this LPN fade out in the hospital has happened before and then LPN's were brought back in. I personally wouldn't work in a hospital now that I know that I'm just a desperate fix and not really wanted. Yes we to have shortages in our hospitals here in Illinois but still no hiring LPN's, actually their making any LPN's that have been employed go back and get their RN or be terminated. It's such a good feeling to know that your not good enough. I'll continue to work in my LTC facility and clinic prn where I'm appreciated and there is no I'm better than you cr_p going on.
1,711 Posts
Nope, no shortage where I am. Our area nursing schools crank out RNs like mad - every 6 months we have our pick of the graduating classes. Hospitals don't compete for nurses here, nurses compete for jobs.
10 Articles; 19,052 Posts
All homecare agencies in Philadelphia area begging for staff. Local newspaper now starting up nuring recruitment magaine...will be third one in area so plenty of jobs to choose from, despite a Tenet hospital closure.
1 Article; 2,512 Posts
We have at least 5 ADN or BSN schools within 35 miles of where I work. We get TONS of grads each semester. Our vacancy rate is around 2-3%.
NurseyPoo, RN
154 Posts
There is a shortage where I work. It is terrible....very stressful. Every day I have off my phone rings to come in...GOD I love Caller ID!
zacarias, ASN, RN
1,338 Posts
Back in Seattle where I'm from, the shortage isn't and probably will never be acute. In Arizona where I am now, it's fairly acute. Tons of travelers staff hospitals and things are fairly backwards.
2,438 Posts
Beyond Short. 7-8 patients on step downs (nights). 13-14 on med surg (nights)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
It comes and goes here in Tampa Bay. Right now there seems to be a shortage in some areas. Our L&D, ER and ICU have plenty of staff, with med-surg hurting.
46 Posts
No shortage here in the Raleigh area, rather nurses leave because of low pay or poor patient staff ration. We have a rotation of new grads every year in the peds units as well as the other units.