Published Oct 12, 2004
3 Posts
Hello! I am looking for ideas on what to include in a nursing school survival kit. My class is wanting to make some to welcome the new students of the next class. I need ideas that are fun and cheap as we may be using our own funds. Some ideas we have already are: index cards (for flashcards), maybe a small calculator, a fun pen, chocolate, maybe a pen light (with a note saying there is light at the end of the tunnel), or maybe a few medical jokes (with a note saying something about keeping your sense of humor). Does anyone have any good ideas?
336 Posts
I think chocolate and coffee would be excellent ideas!
Maybe even some trial size bubble bath or massage cream would be nice.
What a fun project!
maire, ASN, RN
1,173 Posts
How about this:
Moisturizer. Rationale: Take care of yourself. You can't help others until you help yourself first.
Life Savers. R: Actively listen to what your patients tell you. It saves lives.
Visine. R: Tears - many will be shed and that's a good thing. When the tears stop it's time to move on.
Pencils. R: Write down your memorable moments.
Balls &/or Other Small Toys. R: Have fun. Nursing is stressful. Exercise and laughing relieve stress. If you aren't happy, find a new job.
Hershey's Hugs & Kisses. R: Give them. Receive them. Eat them. Chocolate is a good thing.
265 Posts
Last year's first-year students made up a list of "things they wish they had known" when they entered the program, and the list was distributed to us incoming students a few months before we started school.
It contained things like
-buy a rolling backpack
-get a filesaver clipboard for clinicals (it opens up to store papers, calculators, bandage scissors, etc.)
-get a Palm Pilot and download Davis's Drug Guide and Taber's so you'll have your resources handy at clinicals
-other program-specific information to help the new students become familiar with the specifics of the program/school
I know that a list isn't all that "tangible", but I really found it to be helpful. Perhaps you could make up a list and add it to the survival kits you're making?
Let us know how your survival kits turn out!
36 Posts
Highlighters, mini stapler
119 Posts
Vivarin or other caffeine pill?
studentnurse74, LPN, LVN
550 Posts
It's been mentioned, but HIGHLIGHTERS and INDEX CARDS. You can never have enough!
How about a "critical" thinking cap?
Maire: Where's your critical thinking cap today? I don't see your evidence to support those rationales. :chuckle
143 Posts
have you done one too many care plans?
I do love your rationales.