Nursing School Burnout - RANT!

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I'm in my 2nd semester of a 5 semester program, and I am so tired of it already.

I'm tired of waking up at 5am every morning, - including weekends - to go to class, attend clinicals, or wake up to study to make up for the lost time I will have to compensate for because of those godforsaken care plans/group projects!

I'm tired of studying harder than I have ever studied before in my life, missing out on family moments, all so that I can take a 25-30pt question exam and barely pass because missing more than 4-6 is a FAILURE!

I'm tired of feeling dumb and having my self-esteem plummet whenever I make a mistake.

I'm tired of the physical effects school is having on me: increased anxiety and depression. I rarely smile much anymore.

I'm tired of seeing the same faces at school everyday.

I'm tired of exploding at my family members because I'm so stressed out.

I'm tired of inconsistency from lab instructors and last minute instruction right before an evaluation (thanks a lot!).

I'm tired of lame group projects that are only worth 5 pts, but take away precious time I could be using to do something more important - like say, study so I can pass the freaking class, because without actually passing, those points are worthless, as they will not actually be added in until a student has passed the course!

I'm tired of feeling like nursing school literally, OWNS me and I can't make a move without it.

Specializes in Neuroscience.

Hi Wrangler. I'm the OP. I wrote that post a year ago. I'm actually in my 5th semester now, about to graduate in two weeks!

I made it, and you'll get there too! The nursing school induced depression/anxiety does take a toll though. Please gather as much support as you can!

eta: I feel ya on the birthday lament. Thanks to nursing school, I spent my 25th b-day with diarrhea. First day back after Winter break + plus exam = cranky bowels. Nice.

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

Since your already venting I'll join in... Nursing school is like a roller coaster and most of the time you are going down....and I am not even finished with my first semester! I have 3 kids plus a husband, animals, work, volunteering, church, plus EVERYTHING that goes along with nursing school!! Trust me I get it; many patients have died due to failures of the health care providers.. I want to know all these things.. but sometimes the stress just makes you want to get in the car and drive until you end up far away from it all!!!!:banghead:

Specializes in Oncology/hematology.

I like the rollercoaster analogy. I have so many ups and downs even during one day. I cannot wait for my summer break. I am taking 3 classes, but they aren't nursing classes, so that should be easy.

I'm going into my second semester (3rd quarter) next week...I didn't realize how stressed out I am until this week (we get a week off in between quarters)...I've taken two hour naps every day and my motivation has been slim to none-but it will be worth it in the end...I just hope I have the motivation to get back into it.

I'm in my second semester and supposedly the hardest of's been rough! No time to myself, always tired, always scrambling to finish something or study for a test. I'm done in about a month, then I can relax for the summer. Whew. I'm worn out!

By the time I finished my BSN program (which was 2 years) I couldn't stand anything about nursing, lol. I was so sick of having it fed to me everyday. I worked full-time while going to school so I was also sick of being jerked around by commitments. When I graduated I waited three months before taking (or even looking for) a RN job just to clear my head of it. I stuck with my previous career. I started working and immediately started grad school so it's back to the same, LOL. I can't wait to become a psych provider though. That's the only reason I did it. :) If I couldn't do that I'd leave it all.

In the end, it'll work out ok though. You'll get past it all.

I'm glad you posted this. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who hates group projects, waking up at 5am, studying through the night just to end up arguing with instructors about test questions, etc. I've had nightmares where every person I talk to wants to discuss care plans and NANDA diagnoses. I'm graduating in two weeks and still have 60 hours of my senior rotation left to go plus my portfolio. I'm mentally and physically drained. When I go to bed after my clinical shift, I still hear bed alarms and call light chimes. Even though the end is near, every day feels like ten. I'm in an 18 month accelerated program and I'm not sure I could have stuck it out through a regular track one. Then the thought of trying to find a job just adds more stress. I'm in Denver and no one wants to hire new-grads. There are a few hospitals with new-grad programs, but they tend to get hundreds of applicants for around 30 positions. Plus, I've realized I hate hospitals and 12 hour shifts. I don't know really where I'll end up.

I've been a lurker for awhile but really wanted to comment on this thread.

I felt that way for my first semester. I was miserable. Over my summer break I decided that that wasn't who I wanted to be so made a plan. I made a food plan. I made menus that included shopping lists for each week. I spent some time on a Sunday prepping food for the week so I had healthy food to eat (it's amazing how much out attitudes can change with healthy food). I also instituted a workout regimen that worked for me. Now, I work FT, go to school FT and have 4 dogs so I KNOW that we're all busy, but let me tell you, my life has changed with these small changes.

School is still my priority, but I'm actually doing better because of the changes I've made. My mood is better, my energy levels are better, my grades are better and I'm not getting as stressed as before (or maybe I am but the endorphins from running are making them not as bad).

I highly recommend that anyone going through nursing school take a minute to really focus on themselves and how we can make changes in our world because we want to be the best nurse possible and what better way than to start with ourselves

Boy can I relate. I'm nearing the end of nursing school and it has physically, mentally, and socially taken it's toll on me. I've gained weight almost 20lbs. I feel anxious all the time which is so not me at all I was a very laid back mellow person before school. Relationships? forget it I've tried and they are ruined in a month tops when I blow her of for school repeatedly. I've missed out on countless trips, family events, concerts, sporting events and good times all in the interest of needing to study. I'm sick and tired of looking at these books for days on end to barely even pass these exams that have questions that are so far fetched with multiple choice answers that all seem to all be correct. I have four more months of this and I feel like i want to run away everyday! I see you posted this quite some time ago. Did you make it to graduation? I hope you did and you can tell me that working in the field isn't actually this stressful?

This is great advice! As nurses we're taught holistic care, maybe sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves in the same manner. Getting to focused on school in general can make you do a lot of unhealthy things (i.e. lack of sleep). I'm definitely take this into consideration thank you ;)

Specializes in Psychiatry, Oncology.

Thanks for posting this. I am in the beginning of a 12 months ABSN program. One month into the program I am already exhausted, stressed, snapping at people. And depressed because it seems I will never get to a place of competence. It just seems unsurmountable.

Maybe you need to look at it as...2 months down...10 to go! Great to see the end so close. Maybe that will help a little.

You still need to find something to do besides have to find time to wind down. Maybe read something besides school books or do yoga between classes. You can't only do school work. I hope things start looking up for all of you soon :)

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