Nursing school = Acne?


OY! :angryfire Where did all this acne come from? I am 27 years old how did I get break ou face again LOL! It's like every other day or so a new one forms. WAAAA!!!! Embarrassing and painful!!!!

Does anyone else have little oddities popping up after starting nursing school? :coollook:

I haven't had acne problems since I was 14....I'm 26 and last semester I broke out constantly. I think this is due to drinking too much soda to stay awake, stress, and lack of sleep!

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

I kept a garden of zits on my forehead for both years of school. I figure the cause of it was stress that made my forehead stay wrinkled up, causing oil and bacteria to pool in the creases.

Specializes in OBGYN, Neonatal.

So my face is destined to look like this...






WAAAAAAAAAA! LOL ROFL!!!! I'm glad I'm ont alone and everyone understands!

Specializes in PCCN.

I thought it was just me- I've had a terrible time with the breakouts lately, and I'm 39!!This is my last semester- must be all the stress. I feel for you!- Chris

Specializes in PCCN.

Also, persOnalityrn- I feel for you too- I think I've gained 25 pounds since I began nursing classes over the last year!

Specializes in OBGYN, Neonatal.

i have gained several pounds! I was already overwight to begin with but I've gained a bit more! I'm scheduled to have wls surgery in December so hopefully that will help with the weight gain.

But, anyway, zits...guess we'd better embrace them!

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

Now I know the reason that at 37 and beginning nursing school tomorrow, I've had to slather my face with ZapZyt for the past few nights!

I had nary a pimple in HS, hit my 30's and lookout! Every freakin' month..... and not a lot of them, just a big ol' fat one on my chin or nose!

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

And the huge ones are always right smack dab in the middle, between the eyebrows, on the end of the nose, middle of the chin.

I am ordering my Pro-Active right now.

i've definitely noticed more acne breakouts since school started about 3 weeks ago. I've never had bad acne before and now I've had 4 or 5 bad break outs since school started. Guess I'll get some Pre-Active

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Stock in Clearasil and Oxy 10 must go up around August and September.

Hey guys I have been using that Neutrogena on the spot acne treatment and it works really well if anyone is interested.

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