Nursing is pathetic...

Nurses Career Support


It's to bad you feel this way I work in the E.R.and am constantly exposed to hiv, hepatitis,and a host of other diseases you can protect yourself. Why did you really go into nursing ws it for the money? If it was for that then you missed the whole point of what a nurse is. It was never meant to be anything more than the giving care to those in needof your services if you allow yourself to feel all these negative feeling it's time for a vacation from nursing and try something else for a while or have you considered trying a new area that may have sparked some interest. It might be something to think about?


I am about to enter a 1 year diploma program to become an LPN. I am wondering if anyone

has anything to suggest I should think about or do before entering. This message board has

been both an encouragment and discouragment. I have read so many people complaining

about nursing. I am a married male with four kids. Some have told me I wont make enough

money to live but my wife and I do not require a large income. We live simple. I am about to

get out of the military and want a stable sure job that I dont have to worry about being

out of work with. Anyone have recommendations or comments?


welcome Jason!!! Nursing is a great career for men. My only advice would be to continue on with your education and it will open more doors for you then you can imagine!! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!


Thanks for the encouragment.

I plan to be living in the Erie Pa. area. Anyone know what the average pay/opportunities are like there? After reading this message board, I have been frightened to the point of just staying in the military. I do not really want to do that but I want a satisfying and reliable job. This is one of the reasons I picked nursing. I have read there is a shortage of nurses and it is only going to get worse. The reason for this ,I thought, was the Baby Boomers but according to some it is the poor job quality that is chasing all the nurses away. This is a big career move for me, and a dangerous one with 4 kids...I can't mess this up! I will continue me education. Will the 1 year LPN program prepare me enough to have a lasting career? Will I be able to continue me education while still working?Thanks for any advice.


Hey just want to add my two cents in ,what took place in this discussion has been

what holds nursing back.We pick on each other instead of working with each other.Every day for the last 20 years i have seen the day shift pick on the night shift the NA on the RNs etc.The issues nurse dude bring up have been said all over

the country.We need to all stick together and let the federal goverment and the insurance people have it.along with the pharmacy and other vendors who are making

billions every year.The solutions lies in uniting the Nurses,Doctors,Patients and the

hospitals in one voice which can challenge these other very Powerful groups.Can

you imagine the representation we would get with our numbers and their money.Let go after the problem not each other.Sam

Well Jason here's my 2cents...there is a nursing shortage here in Rochester, NY...and Ive been a nurse 23yrs I have seen this before and I believe it will get worse before it gets better. IF you decide to go into nursing, if any way possible get your BS. Job wise usually any of the critical care areas usually start at a higher pay..I started in NICU and I currently make $30/hr which gives a base of 62,400...last year I made 72K, highest year so far 86K. This is not a joke, I am on staff 40hrs plus. I 'd be happy to explain further you can e-mail me at [email protected] of answer the question I think an RN can always get a is stable. My personal opinion.

Originally posted by lita1857:

Well Jason here's my 2cents...there is a nursing shortage here in Rochester, NY...and Ive been a nurse 23yrs I have seen this before and I believe it will get worse before it gets better. IF you decide to go into nursing, if any way possible get your BS. Job wise usually any of the critical care areas usually start at a higher pay..I started in NICU and I currently make $30/hr which gives a base of 62,400...last year I made 72K, highest year so far 86K. This is not a joke, I am on staff 40hrs plus. I 'd be happy to explain further you can e-mail me at [email protected] of answer the question I think an RN can always get a is stable. My personal opinion.

So tell me what do you think of the staffing here in Rochester, NY. I am also a nurse here. Do you work short? ever been required to work mandatory overtime? or told when you can take a personal day? I really do love nursing but I'm beginning to resent my job.

Oh Bunky, Bunky, Bunky,

I am SO disappointed in your response to NurseRUDE. Yes, I think that all experienced nurses share the frustrations that NurseRude has expressed and it many times does feel like a hopeless situation. I work in a long term care/rehab facility and it is the love and hope I receive everyday from the pts/residents that I am reminded as to why I chose nsg. as a career. Yes, managed care & unlicensed assistive personnel along with long stressful hours are great obstacles. But Bunky, you are not like NurseRude and inspite of your fatigue & frustration, just from reading your responses, you are a warm person with much integrity. Please don't lose sight on why you became a nurse. That is why the majority of us WILL stay in the profession. In spite of the trillion downfalls that NurseRude so delicately pointed out, let the vision and determination of Florence Nightengale live on. And yes, I am for real.

OK Earle, I got your email and am responding to the matter in private because it is long and detailed. Earle the way I see it right now, is that something has got to change here, and there isn't too much time left to do it and keep the decent nurses. Where I work they are jumping ship in droves! It has gotten so bad, and I am so disgusted with the way things have deteriorated in nursing. I try, and I try, and my only reward is that if they notice that I am still able to get my work done and not kill anyone, I get another patient added because it seems like I am handling it! None of us on my unit are able to keep up with the insane pace that we are being pushed to run, and it is showing! Orders written aren't being carried out, people are soaked and dirty, and those patients who can are complaining loudly and bitterly, and I DON'T BLAME THEM! How much lower can it sink without capsizing?

Originally posted by jnc1991:

I am about to enter a 1 year diploma program to become an LPN. I am wondering if anyone

has anything to suggest I should think about or do before entering. This message board has

been both an encouragment and discouragment. I have read so many people complaining

about nursing. I am a married male with four kids. Some have told me I wont make enough

money to live but my wife and I do not require a large income. We live simple. I am about to

get out of the military and want a stable sure job that I dont have to worry about being

out of work with. Anyone have recommendations or comments?


Dear Jason, my brother has been a LPN for 10 years. He loves it. He was a steel worker until the steel industry collasped in our area. He started school PN at age 40. One of the reasons he is happy is that he works at a facility that serves only local people and is funded 100% by local goverment. They were totally unaffected by the cuts in federal and state financing that adversely affected other instituions. Since they serve local citizens any attempt by politicians to cut staffing or do anything else that would adversely affect their clients is met with howls of protest by local voters. This is something you should think about.

WHAT? Oramar, I didn't know such places existed! All the smaller facilities in and around my area have linked up and/or been taken over by larger facilities and/or healthcare groups, in order that they might stay afloat. By the way Bunky, when I started reading Earle's post to you, I had to LOL, 'cause I thought, Bunky, Bunky, Bunky; what have you done or said now!? But you were really just getting a compliment, which you deserve! PPL.

Originally posted by PPL:

WHAT? Oramar, I didn't know such places existed! All the smaller facilities in and around my area have linked up and/or been taken over by larger facilities and/or healthcare groups, in order that they might stay afloat. By the way Bunky, when I started reading Earle's post to you, I had to LOL, 'cause I thought, Bunky, Bunky, Bunky; what have you done or said now!? But you were really just getting a compliment, which you deserve! PPL.

Yes, there was talk in political circles about selling my brothers center to a private group. His job was under the gun for a brief time, but the voters and the union raised such a stink that the politicians backed off. It is much easier to sit in Washington DC and cut services up in Oregon or sit in Harrisburg Pa nad cut services in Pittsburgh. The local politician has to look his/her constituants in the eye and that has a dampening effect on the tricks the pull. The facility has benefited because they have all these loyal employees who have worked there for years who will stick with them through the worst of the crunch. Most places around here screwed their loyal employees good during the job crunch 5 years ago and now they are really paying the price.

PPL Welcome back you slacker! I've been good! Honest! ESDRN and I are now pals. Oh you may have missed that when you were writing to Son of an RN. LOL-plop (Sorry laughed my head off)

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