Nursing is not easy money, no gain no pain

Nurses General Nursing


I'm tired of people who think that nursing is all about great schedule and big bucks, I have been lately pulling a lot of 12s still not getting rich and busting my behind just to be told by my friends that once they finish nursing school they will make tons of money without putting into it a lot of hours of work, rude awaking for some:no pain no gain.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
I'm tired of people who think that nursing is all about great schedule and big bucks, I have been lately pulling a lot of 12s still not getting rich and busting my behind just to be told by my friends that once they finish nursing school they will make tons of money without putting into it a lot of hours of work, rude awaking for some:no pain no gain.

*** Tons of money in NURSING ?!!!!!!!!! LOL! IMO anyone who comes to nursing to make a lot of money is a fool. The work is way to hard, way to much risk and the pay way to low to do this for just the money. I do have a great schedual, however I didn't for the first ten years or so.

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

Yes, they'll get a rude awakening!

If I work too much, the tax man just takes it all, so I try not to now. It really isn't worth it. Working 2 days on the weekend is better money.

I wonder where people get the idea that nurses make a lot of money?

Specializes in I/DD.

Great schedule?? Are people for real?

Great schedule?? Are people for real?

yep they think they will get high hourly pay on a morning aka day shift I have to explain to them that in general the pay is better on nights/evening, but since they have families they want the best hours, rude awaking! I try to explain to them that nursing is not just a job, it is a devotion and a career, nurses work odd hours especially new nurses, they have to stay late to chart at times, ask by manager to work extra shift, I know that work sucks the life out of me 90% of the time.

*** Tons of money in NURSING ?!!!!!!!!! LOL! IMO anyone who comes to nursing to make a lot of money is a fool. The work is way to hard, way to much risk and the pay way to low to do this for just the money. I do have a great schedual, however I didn't for the first ten years or so.

Exactly, you have to climb the ladder, brand new grads cant have the seniority.

Yes, they'll get a rude awakening!

If I work too much, the tax man just takes it all, so I try not to now. It really isn't worth it. Working 2 days on the weekend is better money.

I wonder where people get the idea that nurses make a lot of money?

TV ads, newspaper ads, heh:)))))))))))))) I know a nurse who drives a hammer she must be freaking rich, LOL:)))))

Specializes in Critical Care.

I don't think its easy money or a great schedule. What's great about working holidays and weekends year after year losing time with your family? Nothing!

Nursing is high pressure, high responsibility where you have no control over anything, patient load, work environment. That is the major problem with nursing, all this responsibility and no autonomy, no respect just continually being jerked around and told what to do and say, dealing with broken equipment, short staffing, big brother computer watching everything you do, being hassled about overtime, yet not able to get your job done in the time alloted and being the fall guy for everything and everyone.

Your too important to take a vacation or have a day off, too important to go home, because there short as usual and you are being mandated as the cheapest option for them. For all this your lucky to get a piddly 2-3% raise every year and then told to climb the ladder for another piddly raise that they threaten to take away from you ever after unless you jump thru all their neverending hoops that keep changing and increasing.

Sure if you do lots of overtime for them you could conceivably get a six figure salary, but at what cost to your physical and mental health and that assuming you don't get injured by the many morbidly obese patients or highly contagious patients you care for.

All I can say is good luck to them!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
TV ads, newspaper ads, heh:)))))))))))))) I know a nurse who drives a hammer she must be freaking rich, LOL:)))))

or a contruction worker if she "drives a hammer " I think you mean a Hummer...:lol2:;).

She's not rich she has good credit for a lease.....:smokin:

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

Just to chime in here it's a little about perspective...

I meet people all the time that are very thankful for their station after nursing school. They're making significantly more money than they or their families ever had before. Far more successful than they had ever dreamed.

The ones I find that whine, moan and complain about just how "hard" it is have never really had to work. Never had been without internet, without transportation, never without means. (They are usually the ones hanging out @ the nurses station gossiping all shift no really working anyway)

Well, welcome to life and it isn't sugar-coated. Like those incorrigible "Occupy wherever" people. Time to grow up and go to work. Me personally have worked MUCH harder for a LOT less.

Look at the ancillary people around you. Are they working as hard or harder than you? Guess what? They would LOVE to be making what you're making. I DO consider myself very rich.

Specializes in Med Surg.

I agree, it's all about perspective. I doubled my pay and work fewer hours than I did in my previous career. I'm in a climate controlled environment, not out in 0 degrees and 100 degree weather. It's physical labor, yes, but I don't go home as bone weary, feeling beat up as I used to.

No, you're not going to be a millionare as a nurse, but compared to the working conditions of many others in this country, we are very well off. Sure times are tough, but they're hard in all sectors, not just health care. I feel blessed to have a good job, with good pay, in a great unit with fantastic coworkers. Sure it's hard, it's frustrating, it's sad, it's stressful, but I love it all the same.

There's no such thing as easy money.

I wouldn't say that nurses will make a lot of money or working overnight shift is having a great schedule. but the nursing profession is far better than certain other professions. Nurses will have some flexibility especially after they have some experiences under their belt, they can work in LTC, hospital, group homes, schools, jails, insurance companies, research companies. Not a lot of professions offer such a broad opportunities. In addition, nursing profession is relatively recession proof. After 2009, there are basically no jobs nation wide in my old career field, but as a newbee with no previous experiences, I could secure a part-time position in a hospital with my LPN license. I'm already very thankful. The job I had in my first career field (with a master degree) pays $3 more per hour with mandatory unpaid overtime. Nurses' pay and schedule are not as great, but it is better than a lot of other fields.

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