Nurses with Unusual Diets


Specializes in Rehab/Nurse Manager.

Just curious if there are nurses also eat strange/unusual/potentially unhealthy diets on a regular basis? 

For example, here is me: 

On days off of work, my diet primarily consists of popcorn, candy, ice cream and pop.   Pop consumption typically consists of 1-2 Diet Sunkist, 1-2 Diet Root Beer and 1-2 Diet Pepsi.  Sometimes I'll eat three bowls of popcorn or one large bag in one day.  Every once in a while, I'll include some grape tomatoes, canteloupe or slices of cheddar cheese on the side, but as a whole, my diet mainly consists of treats. 

At work, I typically don't have access to loads of popcorn, but my diet is still unusual.  My pop consumption alone is enough to shock anyone:  I've been known to drink as many as 15 (yes...fifteen) Diet Pepsis in one day, along with a Diet Sunkist or 2.  I typically don't take lunch breaks but have a tendency to snack on Lay's Potato Chips, Fritos, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  I usually have nothing of nutritious value at all, and end up leaving work with my resting heart rate ranging from 130s-150s and presumably (I haven't actually checked) high blood sugars.  

Anyone else engage in strange, unusual diet habits, either at home or at work? 

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
7 minutes ago, SilverBells said:

Anyone else, unusual diet habits, either at home or at work? 

I told my medical nurse wife Belinda that the only thing that I don't like about her is that she doesn't take good care of herself.

Belinda likes junk food.

I'm sorry to say this SilverBells, and I mean it with all the love and respect for you that I can muster, and I know that this is going to be hard for you to hear, but:

If you and I were wed, your diet would be grounds for our divorce.

Specializes in Rehab/Nurse Manager.
7 minutes ago, Davey Do said:

I told my medical nurse wife Belinda that the only thing that I don't like about her is that she doesn't take good care of herself.

Belinda likes junk food.

I'm sorry to say this SilverBells, and I mean it with all the love and respect for you that I can muster, and I know that this is going to be hard for you to hear, but:

If you and I were wed, your diet would be grounds for our divorce.


Fair enough.  I can see how a diet such as mine might be off-putting to someone else.  And it could use a few tweaks here and there  ?

Specializes in ER.


Your diet sounds much worse than going into a Covid without any PPE

Specializes in Rehab/Nurse Manager.
1 minute ago, Emergent said:


Your diet sounds much worse than going into a Covid without any PPE

Fair comparison ?

Specializes in Rehab/Nurse Manager.

Just as an example.  Today I consumed: 

1 Diet Sunkist

2  Diet Root Beer

2 Diet Pepsi 

3 bowls of popcorn 

1 small snack size bag of Popcorn 

2 Dove Dark Chocolate Candy Bars 

1 package of Reese's Pieces 

1 peanut butter granola bar 


The only beneficial food items I consumed included a bowl of canteloupe and a slice of cheddar cheese.  


No actual "meals" have been consumed, per se 

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
32 minutes ago, SilverBells said:

 it could use a few tweaks here and there  


Specializes in Rehab/Nurse Manager.
1 hour ago, SilverBells said:

Just as an example.  Today I consumed: 

1 Diet Sunkist

2  Diet Root Beer

2 Diet Pepsi 

3 bowls of popcorn 

1 small snack size bag of Popcorn 

2 Dove Dark Chocolate Candy Bars 

1 package of Reese's Pieces 

1 peanut butter granola bar 


The only beneficial food items I consumed included a bowl of canteloupe and a slice of cheddar cheese.  


No actual "meals" have been consumed, per se 

Update: 2 more pops, 1 more bag of popcorn

Specializes in Med-Surg.
2 hours ago, SilverBells said:


 And it could use a few tweaks here and there  ?

Few tweaks here and there??  How about a major overhaul.  LOL

Don't call it "unusual", call it what it is a horrible and unhealthy diet.

I can't judge too much because I have days when I do eat like that.  I'm eating vegan chicken nuggets for dinner as I type this.

But also seeing the long-term ravishes of an unhealthy diet in my work keeps me eating healthy most days.  When I was in my early 20's I could eat like you without consequence.  But I'm 61, a normal BMI and low cholesterol and no medications and active.  I'm going to stay that way.

You would be amazed at what a healthy diet can you for your mental health as well.  

I ate very unhealthy for a long time.  It does eventually catch up with you.  I’ve lost close to 50lbs the past 6 months.  I can tell you it changed my entire outlook.  Now, I still have pizza and eat out every once in a while.  My healthy diet consists of things that I actually enjoy and eat.  I am off almost all soda completely.  I drink the occasional diet Dr. pepper now and then to get that craving in. I still have a glass of wine.


I handle the stress of work much better now.  I force myself to eat sometimes.  I know it’s hard to believe, it was for me, but a healthy diet is life changing, I promise.

Specializes in Rehab/Nurse Manager.
27 minutes ago, Tweety said:

Few tweaks here and there??  How about a major overhaul.  LOL

Don't call it "unusual", call it what it is a horrible and unhealthy diet.

I can't judge too much because I have days when I do eat like that.  I'm eating vegan chicken nuggets for dinner as I type this.

But also seeing the long-term ravishes of an unhealthy diet in my work keeps me eating healthy most days.  When I was in my early 20's I could eat like you without consequence.  But I'm 61, a normal BMI and low cholesterol and no medications and active.  I'm going to stay that way.

Thing is, my body tolerates my current diet quite well so it's hard to be motivated at this point.  Sometimes my resting heart rate will remain 130-150 for 8+ hours straight (if I've had too many Diet Pepsis) but other than that, no adverse reactions so far.  But I can understand not wanting to be on medications and not constantly wanting to worry about one's health. 

Specializes in ER, Pre-Op, PACU.

I honestly can’t imagine eating that and being able to still work a job! I know I struggle to get through 12 hour shifts sometimes and that’s with a healthy diet. I will say a decent diet does make a big difference in how I feel and my immune system. 

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