Nurses help me

Nurses Recovery


good day everyone.

i need your help.

the hospital where Im working let me go due to violation of policy. My husband has a sleeping disorder, he have 3 sleeping meds. 2 of which are prescribed and 1 is OTC. I meant to grab the OTC out his medication box and unfortunately took the wrong one. Both has the same color. It was certainly an error but not intentionally. when i went to work i was slower than usual and my colleagues noticed that i was off. I didn't think I was and my head was clear in fact, i didnt have mistakes. my supervisor asked me if i am ok and i was truthful and told her what happen. she reported me and drug test came back positive for a prescribed medication. the hospital is zero tolerance so they let me go though I worked the entire shift with no mistakes and I was not sent home even after my supervisor knew what happened.

so now i am ask to self report to the BON. HR told me that i need to do it before their complaints because it would not be good for me. I asked her if theres a time frame because I would like to utilize my membership and assistance of the state nursing association before i report to BON or to the IPN however, they just told me as soon as possible. they terminate me yesterday friday and now its weekend. The state nurses association is closed by monday and I am freaking out because I am scared that their complaints would get to the BON first.

I need your help everyone.

I have read online that before doing anything consult a legal counsel.

I am thinking of just running away and move to other countries as I am so sick that this happen in my life. its very painful.

thank you

My husband called me at work and told me he was missing his xanax in his pill box. I told him i took the sleep aid. He told me i may have takent the xanax. But then my co- worker noticed i was slow and she confronted me about it . It occurred to me that i may have taken it. Got reported. Supervisor asked me about whats going on and between what my husband said and the observation from my coworkers. I did say i took one. But that was after-the-fact. I wasnt send home and she let me finished my shift.

My husband and i married for 5 years now and i know his medications. I shouldn't have decide to take the sleep aid but i was so desperate to get sleep knowing i am scheduled for 5 nights that week. I really thought it was the sleep aid i took but apparently not. It doesnt only cost me my job but my trip to see my family in another country in next 2 weeks.

Thank you all for your help. You are all a blessing to me. Right now I am looking for attorney and keeping my fingers crossed that the board will not received my former employers complaints first. I truly appreciate the help. God bless you all.

I think the point most people are making is that mistaking xanax for another pill might be understandable, but it's actually overshadowed by the incredibly questionable judgment of taking ANY kind of sleeping pill that close to a scheduled work shift. Whether you have a prescription or are intending to take OTC medication, taking a sleeping pill that close to a shift was not a smart idea.

Unfortunately, the OP will pay a hefty price for this lapse in judgment. The good news is that it doesn't have to cost her her license if she obtains legal counsel, follows his advice, and accepts any penalties the BON might levy against her.

The OP has my sympathies, and I'm sure she has learned a very valuable, albeit painful, lesson.

Specializes in Ortho, CMSRN.
Why on earth would you do that? Even if it was the OTC sleeping aid did you think it would clear your system by then and if not why risk it??

Not everyone reacts to sleeping medication the way that you do. I'm sure you've seen massive doses of seroquel and trazodone prescribed because people ARE different and have different tolerance levels. Surprised that's not something that you've had experience with or seem to understand. One person can take a benadryl and be drowsy the next morning, the next can have no effect. Sure, if pills look the same, it might not be wise to take one if they're loose and you're not sure. However, I see NO issue with taking a medication at 1PM or AM if you have to go in at 7 if you've taken it before on an off day and know how you react. When I worked night shift, I had to take a second sleeping pill (per my MD's advice) sometimes at or before 1 PM if I couldn't sleep. Working under no sleep is very dangerous as well.

Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

In the future keep these things very private in the workplace..I'm so sorry this is happening to you. If this had happened to me once I realized what I had done I would have then kept that information to myself.If someone had noticed I was groggy I would have said something like, "just didn't sleep well last night" or even I took some Mortin for a HA and it makes me a little sleepy.It is one of the adverse effects of fact it wipes me out!....IMO...Never ever tell your coworkers any prescriptions you need to take.Nursing is a funny profession when it comes to legitimate meds..people judge...God forbid you need something because you are human and subject to stressors and physical pain and illness!

It is almost a month now that I don't have a job. My lawyer told me not to self report myself to the board but until now I don't received an investigation letter. He said I could apply for a nursing job but I am scared because what if I already got the job and then the investigation letter would come in. I don't know what to do.

Good day everyone

i would like to know when will i received an investigation letter. It's been a month now that I was terminated from the hospital.

I don't know if I should apply for a nursing job ... i am concerned if il apply for a nursing job and end up quitting when the investigation letter arrives.

I dont know if the hospital already filed complaints against me and the boards just take so long to review and send the letter. I wish there's timeline.

please help me.

thank you.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

More info needed. What were you fired for and did the hospital tell you they were going to file a complaint with the board? If it was a month ago you may be able to check the status of your license online.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Threads merged for continuity.

good day everyone.

some of you may have read my previous post. It's been a month now and I still have not received an investigation letter after my employer terminated me from my job.

I am so scared to apply for a nursing job because I don't want to end up quitting if the investigation letter arrives. It is grueling to wait and have no enough income coming in.

I don't know if my employer already reported me and that maybe the board just take a long time to review or send the letter? i wish there's a timeline but i don't think there is.

i need to know what you guys think and what's the right thing to do.

Thank you.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Threads merged.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
good day everyone.

some of you may have read my previous post. It's been a month now and I still have not received an investigation letter after my employer terminated me from my job.

I am so scared to apply for a nursing job because I don't want to end up quitting if the investigation letter arrives. It is grueling to wait and have no enough income coming in.

I don't know if my employer already reported me and that maybe the board just take a long time to review or send the letter? i wish there's a timeline but i don't think there is.

i need to know what you guys think and what's the right thing to do.

Thank you.

Did you check the BON online to see what is stated next to your license?

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