nurses,our ER system needs an overhaul.


those of you that work in the ER know about this. i went to the ER twice with pretty bad symptoms and was told each time that the wait would be 4 hrs to see a doctor. today i was in the ER and i was seen by a triage nurse who measured my BP which was 186/116 and my heart rate was 149. they gave me a 12 lead ECG and told me to wait. i did not want to wait that long cause i was dizzy and my head was numb. after having a close almost syncope episode,they lady at the desk yelled at me to sit down instead of taking me in to see the doctor. i left very angry. i was not gonna wait 4 hrs. i called the hospital twice to get the results of my ECG and they refuse to tell me. i still feel like crap and i have a hand held BP monitor that always shows lower results then they really are and 4 hrs after my ER visit,my diastolic BP is still anywhere from 94-99. i just wanted to vent cause i know you nurses know this experience that patients have all too well.

Specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.

There's no way you're serious. And didn't you want to be a DNR, anyway? :)

Well I'm sure you're much safer at home posting on the internet than you would have been in the ED waiting room.

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Wait so you almost passed out and decided to stand up?

those of you that work in the ER know about this. i went to the ER twice with pretty bad symptoms and was told each time that the wait would be 4 hrs to see a doctor. today i was in the ER and i was seen by a triage nurse who measured my BP which was 186/116 and my heart rate was 149. they gave me a 12 lead ECG and told me to wait. i did not want to wait that long cause i was dizzy and my head was numb. after having a close almost syncope episode,they lady at the desk yelled at me to sit down instead of taking me in to see the doctor. i left very angry. i was not gonna wait 4 hrs. i called the hospital twice to get the results of my ECG and they refuse to tell me. i still feel like crap and i have a hand held BP monitor that always shows lower results then they really are and 4 hrs after my ER visit,my diastolic BP is still anywhere from 94-99. i just wanted to vent cause i know you nurses know this experience that patients have all too well.

Ben there done that !! OMG the ERs around there s##k I will be venting for days if i get started !!!!!!!

next time call 911 and then you may at lest make it in the back !!!

the er that i walked out of hear called me the next day so thay may call you to come back .

but the watt time can be a problem if you can not sit up "witch was why I had to leave" the last time I had to wait I was able to lay down the hole time .

Specializes in LTC.
next time call 911 and then you may at lest make it in the back !!!

Or you could be led on a stretcher back to the waiting room. What a waste of resources. You are at the ER already. Please trust the judgement of the triage nurse.

Don't talk to the Nurses, talk to the the insurance companies and the Government, they're the one's who really provide treatment, not the Doctors or Nurses.

Specializes in CEN, CPEN, RN-BC.

So at what point did you call your primary doctor to make an appointment?

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.
So at what point did you call your primary doctor to make an appointment?

Oh wait they don't have a pcp, no insurance,or waiting on their medical card...... just moved, and have not had time to get a pcp,..............or the doctor doesn't have an appt available until 2013....Sorry but these are the responses I hear so much when I ask....have you seen your pcp.

to that guy- i was already standing up,there was no real room,the ER was too crowded with a guy puking his guts out and a very ill neonate. to legzRN- i do not have a primary doctor. i will go to the ER again,this happens in way too many hospitals. i read about it and it sucks to have a first hand experience.

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