Nurses and the 2008 election


A recent study led by professor Peter Buerhaus polled registered nurses about two timely issues -- the state of health care and the importance of the issue in the upcoming election.

With a close election expected, the country's three million registered nurses could make a difference in the election, Buerhaus says.

Most nurses interviewed support some form of universal health care coverage, although opinions vary on just how extensive coverage should be.

Very few approve of the country's health care system as it stands now, the survey shows.

...Slightly more than half, or 51 percent, believe that if all nurses could join together to address one health problem, it would be the number of uninsured Americans.

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CHATSDALE: We have a National Insurance, not private like in the US.

I think we pay the same of you: the only difference is the different administration of money.


Just look at the incompetent decision of McCain to choose Palin. The Republican party is a mess. And Palin does not represent women voters by no means. I think she is repugnant and I resent McCain thinking he can give the Hillary vote with another skirt, This woman is a characture.. hockey mom indeed. What a joke!!!


CHATSDALE: We have a National Insurance, not private like in the US.

I think we pay the same of you: the only difference is the different administration of money.


a couple of more questions if you don't mind

1] the national insurance is this required of all citizens?

2] the income tax rate is that factored in the national insurance?

3] does this cover all tests and medications.. do yo have to wait for approval of if you need an mri are they available quickly

i have heard from some other countries that they are limited to clinical trials, tests, meds and that they often have long waits for certain surgeries but i don't know if they have the same type of uhc as yo do in italy

thank you

Specializes in Trauma.
Just look at the incompetent decision of McCain to choose Palin. The Republican party is a mess. And Palin does not represent women voters by no means. I think she is repugnant and I resent McCain thinking he can give the Hillary vote with another skirt, This woman is a characture.. hockey mom indeed. What a joke!!!

Oh yes, Definitely! I couldn't have said it better myself!

Italy is a very small Country.

Each small Country in Europe have different health care organization.

The National Insurance is payed only by workers.

It is not required to all citizen. An illegal person, also sayd: invisible person, could ask to be cured without having an insurance.

This insurance covers the most of test and medication but not all.

You could choose to be cured in National Hospital or in Private One and pay the same cost, because the Insurance pass the money directly to the Hospital.

The insurance is not "ad personam" (latino definition), it means: it is not made only for you (the payer). But it is made for all persons (citizen and illegal persons) who need to be cured.


I think that is an excellent politic regarding healthcare.

I admit to being ignorant about any details about healthcare in Italy.

Maybe you will want to post on the social advocacy site?

It is written with Italians Language. Do you speak Italian?

It is an hard work to translate..


Specializes in Trauma.
Italy is a very small Country.

Each small Country in Europe have different health care organization.

The National Insurance is payed only by workers.

It is not required to all citizen. An illegal person, also sayd: invisible person, could ask to be cured without having an insurance.

This insurance covers the most of test and medication but not all.

You could choose to be cured in National Hospital or in Private One and pay the same cost, because the Insurance pass the money directly to the Hospital.

The insurance is not "ad personam" (latino definition), it means: it is not made only for you (the payer). But it is made for all persons (citizen and illegal persons) who need to be cured.


Sounds great to me:)

We should have Universal Healthcare now, with the amount of taxes we are paying. In England the tax rate is 20% on income below 34,800 and 40% if over. In this country combined taxes (federal, state, municipal, etc.) is about 40%, yet we don't have universal healthcare. I wonder how much of our taxes are getting wasted on politicians pet projects?

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.
It is written with Italians Language. Do you speak Italian?

It is an hard work to translate..


Ni I don't speak Italian.

I took Latin in school.

Know some Spanish with a very bad American accent.

Like others I am very interested in healthcare in Italy.

Except that Obama doesn;t care about his own brother.

There are now way near 50 million uninsured in this country

I am there too, on Medicare (don't get me started about "D")- with one med that I must take to survive that costs me $100/week! Another costs $250/month (not from the same manufacturer); I try to get samples from doctors (who proudly say they don't let pharmaceutical reps inside their doors) and I succeed some of the time, but feel like a beggar when I'm not furious and thinking that I should go back to Canada.

At the risk of sounding/looking like a campaigner for Obama, let me tell you how thrilled I was to hear him say that we are our brother and sisters' keepers. And when Michael Moore said on the Oprah show that he'd be willing (and proud) to wait for his own non emergency surgery so the 50,000,000 uninsured people in our country could receive medical care, I cheered.

Tax paying Canadians can't figure out why Americans don't think their taxes should pay for their fellow citizens' medical care, but insurance companies' executives deserve the millions of dollars/year they receive. Canada is a democratic, capitalist country! :chuckle

McCain is going to smoke Obama like reagan smoked Mondale. Laugh about Palin but she will definitely attract a large number of female voters. Besides we know the only Reason Obama chose Biden is to attract white males to vote for him. Obama has about as much business and financial experience as a people greeter at you local Wal-Mart.

Just look at the incompetent decision of McCain to choose Palin. The Republican party is a mess. And Palin does not represent women voters by no means. I think she is repugnant and I resent McCain thinking he can give the Hillary vote with another skirt, This woman is a characture.. hockey mom indeed. What a joke!!!

The lower 40% of income earners in this country pay $0 income tax. Perhaps if we did take 20% of their income they would finally have a stake in the direction of this country.

We should have Universal Healthcare now, with the amount of taxes we are paying. In England the tax rate is 20% on income below 34,800 and 40% if over. In this country combined taxes (federal, state, municipal, etc.) is about 40%, yet we don't have universal healthcare. I wonder how much of our taxes are getting wasted on politicians pet projects?
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