any nurses with crohn's/IBD?


I am a 26 yo male who has had crohn's for like 6 years. I will be applying to a RN program soon.

Any RN's out there with crohn's?

Specializes in MS Home Health.

I don't have it but my ex does.


Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

My husband has ulcerative colitis -- it's a work related injury. He got a face full of stool from a patient with projectile diarrhea R/T C diff. Then hubby got C diff, and it triggered UC. Nasty stuff! When he has a flare-up, he has 20 - 30 stools/day. There's no way he can work with that going on! But with diet and meds, he's under control most of the time.

Our employer knows all about it -- he was trying to get his original illness covered under Workman's Comp. The hospital denied it, he was too sick to fight it and we weren't married yet so I had no legal standing to fight for him. What I've noticed is that our manager seems to be more understanding about him spending a lot of time in the bathroom, and about him taking sick time than she was prior to the official diagnosis.

And the reason hospitals are concerned about nurses spending inordinate amounts of time in the bathroom -- it's a S/S of drug use/abuse.


I can't believe that someone would get fired for going into the bathroom too often. I dealt with Ulcerative colitis from age 11-18 and then had my colon removed (cancer) and have learned to readjust my life around it for the past 4 years. I may be in the bathroom more often, but i know people that are in the bathroom more often than me b/c of a small bladder. If my employer asked me why I was going to the bathroom alot, I would tell him/her I was full of shit.

I have UC as well which is almost never in remission. I seem to do o.k at work if I am really careful with my diet (yes I know the docs say diet doesn't affect IBD, but it DOES). I listed it in my pre-employment papers as well. I would rather not be questioned later as to why I hid something. I am a good worker, and almost never call in sick, so it hasn't affected my work.

p.s: anyone had luck with the SCD?

Dont know what SCD is?

I'm a student. Anyway, Ive read the recent research about the MAP bug.

Its of big concern for my kids who may be pre-disposed to crohn's. They have been drinking milk for awhile now and I've bothered to stop giving it to them, but they still really need it for nutrition. They are still under 2 yrs old.

I have UC also... in a quiet stage right now (not exactly remission, but not too bothersome). I was diagnosed 6 years ago and have always been up front with my employers about it because when I flare up, I do end up needing extra sick days or spending a lot of time on the toilet. I haven't had a major flare-up though since I was tested for food allergies and cut those foods out of my diet. I know the literature doesn't support that my own personal experience sure does!

The stress of nursing school caused a couple flare-ups for me, but being done with school (finally!), taking my meds and watching my diet have helped tremendously.

And the funniest thing, I don't know what to make of this- I graduated in May. I had worked all through school but quit my job at the same time so I could have a month of no school, no work, to just recover from it all. In June, I tried one of my periodic food challenges with my major food allergy, dairy. No reaction! I've since introduced a couple other previously-allergic foods, in moderation, and have been doing alright. A couple upset tummies, a couple loose stools, a little bit of gas, but nothing I can't live with. Previously, if I even ate something prepared with dairy (even baked goods with just a little milk or milk protein in the ingredients somewhere) I would flare-up 1-2 days later. Now I can eat real cheese and be fine! I'm not complaining, just a little stunned. I wonder if my tolerance has improved with the stress of school out of the picture or if I'm just cycling out of my food allergies (since allergies can come & go). How odd.

The SCD is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, a book by a former biochemist and mom of a child with ulcerative colitis, named Elaine Gottchall (I believe). I haven't read it, just heard that it could be of help. Had one GI from Cedars-Sinai suggest reading it. But you have to LIVE on this plan for it to work (if it does)

What is it with nurses and stomach problems? I have erosive gastritis, duodenitis, hiatal hernia and IBS and plus I pee a lot so I was ALWAYS in the bathroom. One day my friend told me people were going to start thinking I was doing coke in the bathroom. I went to my gastro guy and he gave me an anticholinergic and it REALLY made a difference. Plus, I know what brings on my symptoms so I try not to eat those things when I know I have to work!:imbar

I have a hiatal hernia as well. wtf.

Anyone on Immuran or another immune suppresant?


I have GERD (bad!) esophageal stricture and lactose intolerance. Gosh I feel for you guys with worse that this!

P_RN I have GERD too. It sucks. Am thinking about endocinch.


I am on 2 immunosuppresants; rapamune and prograf. Used to be on imuran and cyclosporine. I had a liver and kidney transplant in addition to having UC.

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