Published Aug 13, 2003
777 Posts
I am a 26 yo male who has had crohn's for like 6 years. I will be applying to a RN program soon.
Any RN's out there with crohn's?
memphispanda, RN
810 Posts
I don't have Crohn's but my DH does. Best of luck with school!
285 Posts
I had ulcerative colitis, but had a colectomy. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
66 Posts
I am a RN with IBS. I've had it for 10 years now. Don't know if ya have any questions, but will answer any that I can.
For you guys that have it, have you found it to affect your work performance very much?
When you got hired did you tell them you had crohn's or IBS?
Well, I generally do not tell people/employers that i had a colectomy or had colitis ( don't think its their business). For me i have to be careful what i eat and how much or i will be in the bathroom all day. I was diagnosed with colitis when I was 11 years old, so I am used to dealing with it. Otherwise, it doesn't really affect me much. If I am going to the bathroom often, I just have to make sure to keep myself hydrated so that output= input. But, if you feel you want to tell your employer, go ahead (it can't hurt). You might just want to list IBS in your medical records as I did when I went for a premployment physical.
At my current job I ended up having to tell them to protect myself since they were looking to take corrective action against me for going to the bathroom so much.. wtf!
2,709 Posts
geezzzzz. and what if you just had weak pelvic muscles. or a small bladder. how can they possible think to discipline you for going to the bathroom??? what is this world coming to? I swear they must just look for lawsuits anyplace they can.
Yeah if they did I would have gone ape-sh1t!
Thats not cool at all.
Anyone else have a story?
PennyLane, RN
1,193 Posts
Originally posted by agent At my current job I ended up having to tell them to protect myself since they were looking to take corrective action against me for going to the bathroom so much.. wtf!
A guy I used to work with was fired from a job (non-hospital, non-nursing) b/c they said he went to the bathroom too much.
I have a small bladder or something and go probably 2x as much as other people. I guess when I become a nurse I'll just have to put up with being chronically dehydrated.
Thats not right, unless the guy was a total goof-off.
Thats my concern, how do you protect yourself?
94 Posts
I've had Crohn's Disease for 34 years, since age 10 y/o. Quite an experience going through high school, college, nursing school twice (ADN, BSN).
It can be done. It is never easy.
Most signifigantly, check out a web site for a group called PARA.
In 1992, a microorganism called Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) was discovered. This bug is believed to cause Johnnes disease in cattle, hogs, deer, sheep. This is a wasting disease (It is essentially Crohn's disease in animals).
Bottom line: There is a strong assumption now that this microorganism causes Crohn's disease in people. This will be difficult to validate because of politics within the domain of drug research.
However, I have been taking Rifabutin and Clariththromycin now for two (2) years and have seen a real improvement in symptoms.
Many patient's with less severe disease history have been able to go off of all other meds. Research this on the internet.
PM me if you have any further questions. Edward, IL