Published May 3, 2004
82 members have participated
8 Posts
What is the nurse to patient ratio where you work?
105 Posts
Critical Care 2:1 for the most part.....if we're short, 3:1
Med/Surg up to 8:1
Telemetry 6:1
New Jersey
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,410 Posts
Pretty much the same as RNmaven.
grandma rn38
31 Posts
on evenings it is 8 to 1 and nights it's 12 to 1 or more.
10 Posts
I work in Tele, and it is 4:1 on days and 5:1 on nights.
16 Posts
It would be more accurate if you were asking about a particular shift On my shift nights maximum is 8 to 1, days usually take 4 to 1 and evenings max is 6 to one.
jschut, BSN, RN
2,743 Posts
I work 6p-6:30a in LTC. I usually have 52-54 patients.
4 g-tubes, a various number of IV's.......
Most folks sleep all night though....
44 Posts
I work med/onc. We're on 12s.
On days it is 1:5-6
Nights it is 1:6-7
46 Posts
I work on a Med?Surg and Pediatric floor on days we have 12, but we consist of a team: One RN, one LPN and a CNA. On evenings we have 7 and on nights anything goes.
Looking for a new location to work.
Dixielee, BSN, RN
1,222 Posts
I work in a very busy ER where the ratio is 4:1 for the acute care side. Fast track is 6:1. I have worked in many different ER's and a 4:1 ratio is perfect. You can get swamped if you have a code, a bad bleeder or acute MI, but there is always someone to help you when you need it.
143 Posts
Limited stay / observation (med-surg, no tele)
Nocs=max 4:1 but usually 2-3:1
with a MA until 2300
My last job med/surg in a small community hospital days were assigned 3-4 patients, eve 5-6 pt's and nocs no more than 8. We did not utilize aids/techs plus the RN's were responsible for an LPN's pt load also. I currently work in an inner city ER were trauma/cardiac sections 4-5 pts, non-monitored beds 6-15(includes chairs and locked room), fast track 7, usually with 1-2 tech's.