
Nursing Students General Students



Alright, so I heard from someone that while she was in nursing school she had to strip down, do physical exams and then be naked for the rest of the class! I'm not a nursing student yet, but this scared me. I'm not comfortable with my body and plus there are guys in these classes. I don't know whether to believe it or not. Can anyone tell me if you had to do this? I'm really freaked out.


:lol2: why will that person say something like that to scare you off.. that's awful:mad: maybe it didnt know the meaning of been nude...mami nothing like so make yourself useful to the society people out there needs your care to live...

I had to do it my first semster of nursing was part of our physical assessment" class we never got totally nude, stayed in underwear and bras and were only paired with the same sex....we worked with the same partner the whole semester and also tested with that partner at the end of the semester when we did the return demonstration of the exam at the end of the semster...

Specializes in neuro, m/s, renal, ortho, home health.

No, I've never heard of any nursing school requiring this. We had to learn how to give a bed bath to each other. We wore shorts and a top!

I don't have a problem with it either way, but I can listen to lung sounds accurately through a thick sweater. If you can listen to that stuff in back of an ambulance (used to be a medic) you can listen to it through a little clothing. I don't see why undressing would be required although it could be funny, and I'm sensing nursing school is light on funny. ;)

I had to do it my first semster of nursing was part of our physical assessment" class we never got totally nude, stayed in underwear and bras and were only paired with the same sex....we worked with the same partner the whole semester and also tested with that partner at the end of the semester when we did the return demonstration of the exam at the end of the semster...

Was this in the '70's??? Nursing schools nowadays would never allow anything like this? I don't think this sort of thing were even allowed in the '90's, mainly because of possible LAWSUITS.

Please. During our physical assessment checkoffs, the only thing we took off was shoes and socks. That's it. And we're not going to be doing any more than that, nope, nope, nope. We practiced bed baths on mannequins.

During our human sexuality section we paired up and were required to practice having sex with each other. Then we had to do it in front of our instructors at the end of the semester and if we failed we had to repeat the course. Same sex partners were not required.

(I just wanted to see if I could relate the best apocryphal story.)

If we had to do anything even near what has been described, it would have been too realistic and thus helpful to the learning process, and as such, definitely not allowed in my nursing program.

During our human sexuality section we paired up and were required to practice having sex with each other. Then we had to do it in front of our instructors at the end of the semester and if we failed we had to repeat the course. Same sex partners were not required.

LOL.... wha?? -->> same sex partners were not required? You mean there is such a thing as, discrimination against sexual preference at your school?? I wonder what it takes to PASS??

Geez, it might be a good idea to go to dinner first with future partner, BEFORE taking a human sexuality class at your school!

In the old days of nursing.... I heard people actually drew blood on each other. Labs were more realistic in a way, that's what people say. :D

In the old days of nursing.... I heard people actually drew blood on each other. Labs were more realistic in a way, that's what people say. :D

In paramedic school, only about eight years ago, we practiced IVs and SQ injections on each other. No biggie. Best way to learn.

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

In paramedic school, only about eight years ago, we practiced IVs and SQ injections on each other. No biggie. Best way to learn.

Uh we still did that last semester. Still do. It truly is the best way to learn.

Specializes in Cardiac.
No, No, on the contrary. My issue isn't with nudity. My comment was addressing the context. Not ALL comments but many just seem like silly high-school chit-chat. But who am I to say, I'm not a nurse yet. I'm looking forward to caring for the infirm as best as I can. I'm learning that this culture will include all types of intellect (or lack there of). And perhaps the culture may actually need all types. But like I said, I'm not a nurse yet so maybe I should "zip it".

What the heck is an infirm?? Maybe you should just keep you negative attitude to your self..

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