NP or pharmacist?


compare and contrast the career fields? what are the perks and unspoken things about each career? curious to see answers.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

What are the draws to each for YOU?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Pharmacist if it's money you want. I will be an NP next year. I will never make as much as my Pharm D husband. Both jobs deal with the public and their own share of BS.

If I were to go into pharmacy, I *think* I would want to work in home infusion where you spend some time teaching and collaborating with patients, caregivers and nurses. I don't know that for sure, maybe they don't like that aspect, but I've always had good experiences with home infusion pharmacists.

compare and contrast the career fields? what are the perks and unspoken things about each career? curious to see answers.

Comparison: each profession works with the general public in healthcare.

Contrasts: everything else :)

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

I have heard that there is a lot of burnout in pharm, more so than nursing. I was going to pharm route but it was going to be 6 years of school on top of the Bachelor's I already had.

Specializes in PACU.

I know a few people who went for pharmacy and they seem to be having just as much trouble securing a job as new grad nurses. It seems like the same pattern of churning out too any pharmacists versus positions available.

I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone newly graduated from college in any field who had an easy time securing employment in the US. With the trend to downsize and outsource any possible job to third-world countries so corporations can keep more of their $$ in their pockets....well, it's not easy for ANY new grad, no matter WHAT their degree is in!

Specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

I recently spoke with a pharmacist and she said that jobs are very hard to come by. However, NP's seem to be more in demand at this time. This could all change though by the time you are done with school!

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